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A little surprise

I guess it’s hard to really know someone who is in public life. I was a bit surprised at some of the things President Bush said in a recent interview. (At least, this is what Fox News is reporting.) Here is the article. It’s not that long.

President Bush believes the Bible is “probably not” literally true. What?  Well, I guess it serves us right for assuming things. I think myself and many other conservative Christians were thinking that the President was pretty close to being an Evangelical. Turns out he is closer to being a liberal Christian than an evangelical Christian.  (And when I say liberal I don’t mean politically, but rather theologically.) I like President Bush, and I think there is still a chance that he is a Believer. However, it seems he is not the “Bible-believing, Godly man” I thought he was. Let us all be cautious of politicians who claim the name of Christ. They know evangelical Christians are a very large voting block. Let’s judge a leader based on his fruit, not his claims.