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Category: Politics

065 – Do You Have the Courage?

So pleased to welcome Cornerstone Fellowship as our first sponsor of the Preacher Dad Podcast! Here is another first…the first video podcast we’ve done! Forgive the poor production quality and my sloppy appearance. In the face of unspeakable evil, do you have the courage to do what is right?...

Stay Encouraged!

A pick me up when you’re cast down. Having a low day? I did recently. Here is what brought me out of it and helped me to stay encouraged. Some encouraging thoughts and resources for the next “down day” you have. Read on! First, Priorities: I love my wife...

How to Fight the Culture War

What you can start today and why it makes a difference. Recently I was headed home and I was convicted by the Lord. I wanted to make a podcast episode, or listen to my audio book, and like a whisper softly in my heart (He likes to whisper to...

The Way Back

I want to briefly mention some of the things that you can look forward to here at . We are engaged in a cultural war if you haven’t noticed. Some people get frustrated because they don’t know how to actively participate in the culture war. How can you...

Catastrophic Covid!

To my readers that still believe the entire medical world believes the covid virus is the greatest threat our country faces, this article from Forbes shows a growing number of physicians are willing to publicly declare the shut down a greater risk to the health of our nation than...

Should the Government Cancel Church?

I have thought a lot about this question in recent weeks. Being a pastor, it has been a question I have been forced to resolve. I have grown more and more confident in the answer to this question. ...

“For such a time as this”

What is a Christian's duty in government? Influencing and even guiding governments to be more righteous, wise, or otherwise beneficial to the whole of a given society is an honorable pursuit for any Believer. To borrow a phrase from the Pledge of Allegiance, to preserve “liberty and justice for...

A Story about Christain Love…

So I was sitting in my living room the other night, enjoying a hot drink and watching my children play on the floor while my wife was reading a book, when I heard a knock on the door. I rose to answer the door, even though it is unusual...

S.H.I.E.L.D. – for real!

This is remarkable. Not only is the Congress finally getting busy on something important (not that I expect much from them you understand), someone up there actually thought to call it “The Shield Act”. 🙂 “SHIELD”, as in, the top secret government program of “Avengers” fame. Now our government...

Agenda: the movie that will rock your world

If you are breathing, you probably need to see this movie! I’ve mentioned this before, but maybe saying it again will add more emphasis to what I’m saying. These are serious days, and we must be aware of the dangers we face. Ultimately, I think God is judging our...

What purpose do the Labor Unions serve?

Here is an interesting article about the political agenda of the labor unions. How many of those who are members of the union would really support a socialistic agenda being imposed upon our nation? Notice the quote from Vladimir Lenin at the end of the article.

State of the Nation

Friends, permit me to rant. I hope it is coherent. The State of Things: We have reached a point in this country which is almost beyond description. How have we come to the place that two branches of the Federal government willingly and enthusiastically ignore the Constitution and the easily...

Coming together….at what cost?

There is a phrase frequently being spouted on the national scene from a variety of different sources. It seems to come from all sides of the political “aisle”, and is generally received as a true statement. Yet it is a statement that is fundamentally flawed. And to be quite...