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Category: Parent Journey

068 – Interview with Dr. Jay Knolls

Do you ever feel exhausted spiritually? Like you’re just worn out from the spiritual battles you fight every day? This episode is for you! Dr. Jay Knolls shares insights on how to handle spiritual exhaustion along with other insights on other subjects like parenting in the modern age, limiting...

How to keep Thanksgiving about Gratefulness

How can we keep it from becoming just “Turkey Day”? The most obvious answer is “Don’t call it Turkey Day!” But if we take gratefulness for granted, it will fade away. Like the whipped cream on our pumpkin pie when we walk away and get stuck talking to crazy...

What makes a child upset?

When a child is unreasonable or inexplicably angry (if you are the parent of toddlers then you know EXACTLY what I mean) it is often related to either something they have eaten, something they need to eat, or sleep deprivation. Sometimes these outbursts are clearly the result of being...

My rates are cheap!

Do I require expensive compensation packages? Benefits? Kick-backs? I do not. The cost benefit analysis here is definitely in the buyers favor. No inconvenience is too great, no errand too mundane, that I can resist the simple and sweet manners of a child whom I know will be truly...

Homeschooling – A Great Threat…

Erin O'Donnell has written an article warning of a great danger to America's children, but it isn't anything that you would have ever expected. (Unless you read the title of this post.) She's telling us that a great danger to the children of our nation, you clearly...

Children at Church: The Place for Inter-Generational Worship

My friends, here is a topic I have grown more confident about as the years have passed. Should children worship with their parents during the Sunday morning service, or should they be sent away to a special “Children’s Church” in another room? (Or sometimes a completely different building.) I...