A poem
OK, I’d thought I’d post a poem. I want to post some other things too, but I don’t want to post too long a text. Here is a poem I wrote for a family that recently lost a loved-one.
Sometimes He Says Nothing
by Jarod Hinton, 2006
If I had words to speak just now that would your comfort bring,
I would not cease to make them known and ease your sorrowing.
But such a song does not exist, ‘least one of which I know,
For only to our Lord’s dear side for comfort can we go.
He knows the words, and speaks the truth, our hearts do yearn to hear.
His wisdom, grace, and strength do find the way to ease our tears.
But even he at times speaks not, and his presence only gives;
And stands beside us near at hand while our grief and sorrow live.
And while we weep, and mourn our loss another sound we hear.
The soft, sweet weeping of the Lord as he stands beside us near.
For he does know the hurt and pain. He’s acquainted with our grief.
He is familiar with the times when pain finds no relief.
So throw yourself upon his love. Weep freely in his breast.
There is no friend so close as he, and his comfort is the best.
I can’t believe no one has commented on this. It is one of my better pieces of work.
Jerod!!!!!!!!!! hey hey! Thanks so much for the comment. Long time no talk. How are you doing? i heard that you were a pastor in Georgia. where at though? Cuz thats where i live…anyways…..hope all is doing well. thanks for the comment.
btw….I think that your poem is written beautiflully! Good job! def. a good reminder and somthing that i could really hear right now. ttyl,
Thanks Brittany. I’m glad you liked it.
Hello there! I am a friend of trufflequeen and read a couple of your posts…this poem is awesome! God has asked me to deal with some things I thought were pretty tough…yet I always knew, if not felt that He was near going through them with me. Great sentiments written very well….