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A question and a picture

My question, for consideration and comment by all, is this: What is a pastor’s job? What do you consider to be the responsibilities of a pastor? What does the Bible say his job is? What does that entail? (etc., etc., etc.)

To all of you that believe there are no decent young men left out there. To all my female readership who have cynically believed that the good guys are gone, and the godly, faithful, Christ loving man is an extinct creature, or at least married….I would like you to see this picture:


That stinks. I have reached my upload limit for this month. I guess I can’t post the picture. Sorry girls. It was a good post. Honest. I’ll try again next month I guess.

[Edit] OK, now that it’s actually August 1st, I’ll post the picture I had intended to post earlier. Yeah, I know I could have posted the picture a different way, and I could have just left this post off all together, but I for one don’t have tons of time to spend figuring out HTML code so it will link to certain pictures, and also uploading said pictures. And there is something about keeping people in suspense that is almost addicting. (Can you tell I’m enjoying dragging this on a bit further? LOL!

Without further adue…to those of you that think a godly guy is harder and harder to find….I present proof that they are still out there:

These guys are some of my dear friends from the International Ministerial Institute. They are, of course, not perfect. (For you gals waiting for a perfect guy, I’d like to encourage you to be content as a single person.) But these fellas are growing in their walk with God, and I could not think of any group I’d rather go into battle with. (Spiritual battle that is. If we go into physical battle, I think I’d rather have some U.S. Marines. No offense guys.)

So with the exception of the two married fellows in the picture (and just ignore that weird looking guy on the far left) these are some definite possibilities for the young woman that desires a godly mate. I’m not giving any phone numbers out, I’m just giving out some encouragement. They are out there girls. Just be patient. (And if any of you get married to one of the guys in this picture, I want full credit for making the match.)

And speaking of comments (were we speaking of comments?) I noticed that no one has said anything about the serious side of this post. So I’ll say it again: What is the job of a pastor? (See above for more details.)