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A Quick one about Christmas

Just real quickly I wanted to say something about Christmas. This is a wonderful time of the year. I love saying “Merry Christmas” to strangers, and they not think I’m strange. It allows me to be extra friendly without making people feel uncomfortable. It’s a great way to encourage others.

But more than that, this year I am keenly aware of the wonderful sacrifice, the blessed beauty, and the immense joy of Christ’s birth. To think that God became a man……It’s remarkable. Friends, this is a beautiful truth, that my Father in heaven loved me so much that he sent his one and only son to die for me. And this son humbled himself to be born as a child, a baby. In a dirty stable. And the reason was me.

I suppose a lot of this has been inspired by the movie “The Nativity Story”. If you have not yet seen that film, I can highly recommend it to you. It is a remarkable story, and very, very well done. I don’t remember a time recently when I cried that much at a movie. I shed tears plenty, and more than one movie has moved me strongly. But I suppose only the Passion of the Christ has ever moved me more than the Nativity Story. I was filled with wonder, gratefulness, and a marvelous sense of joy as I watched that movie. It was almost like I was there. I was literally shedding tears of joy as I saw Joseph holding Jesus right after his birth. It might be the greatest Christmas movie I have ever seen in my life! 

I was also listening to some Christmas music recently, and this song really touched me as beautiful and profound. (Sheesh, I have a lump in my throat right now. Somehow this year is hitting me harder than at other times.) I hope you are blessed by this song. It’s by the acapella group, Glad. It’s called One Quiet Moment.

God bless you dear friends, and may you all have a merry and joyful Christmas!

One Quiet Moment (.m4a file, approximately 4.72 MB download.)