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A Rant……or three

OK, I know it’s the middle of the morning, but I have a couple things I wanted to get off my chest. (And I wanted to post my last three sermons so I don’t have to think about that any more.)

Rant #1

Why is it that for some reason it is acceptable to bare lots of flesh if you are going swimming, or to the beach? Now, I like swimming as much as anyone, and I love to go to the beach. (Though I usually can’t go because people don’t wear enough clothes.) But I honestly do not understand why we excuse immodesty just because we are swimming. (And I am guilty of this myself at times.) I know that some Christian girls wear bikinis. I’d like to ask these girls if they would walk down the street in their underwear. Or maybe you’d like to get groceries with next to nothing on? No, I would hope you would never do such a thing because of the temptation it would cause for men around you, and the temptation for yourself. So why is it different when you are in the pool? Honestly, I do not have a reason for this inconsistency. And guys tend to do the same thing. They wear less than modest swim suits they would not wear in the grocery store, and they also seem to think it’s ok to oogle () a girl at the beach but not in the store. Come one people! Less be consistent in our modesty standards!

Rant #2

Anna and I went to see the movie “Amazing Grace” on Monday afternoon. Very good film, though it had some bad language. But it was an inspiring story of William Wilberforce, who waged a campaign against slavery in the English parliament during the 1700s. He was truly a great man, blessed of God for ending the “abomination” of the slave trade in England.

It has made me think of another abomination in this nation. That is the sickening practice of killing children in the womb, also known as abortion. This is a disgusting and evil business that is big money here in the U.S., just like slavery was in England. I don’t want to cause pain for someone out there who has had an abortion. If that is you then you have my deepest sympathy. But we must never forget that abortion involves ripping the limbs off helpless babies, and sucking their brains out, and any number of various other ways that doctors contrive to terminate that “blob of tissue.” AHHHHH!!!!  That makes me SICK and ANGRY at the same time!!!! 

OH may God raise up a man, or group of men, to stand against this evil of our time. To speak up for the helpless that cannot speak for themselves. May Father bring us a man determined enough to not be swayed by repeated defeat, but to stand up each time and fight some more. I cannot think of a greater cause in the political arena than to fight for the life of unborn children.

If owning a person, as a possession, is a great sin…..then killing an innocent baby is ten times worse.

Rant #3

It seems like I had a third rant, but now I can’t remember what it was. I will say that I have some interesting things to share about consuming alcoholic beverages. (And I’m talking about just drinking them, not getting drunk.)

Here are the last three sermons I have preached. They are on prayer. Specifically what Jesus said on the subject of prayer. It was a good study.

Jesus on Prayer – Part 1

Jesus on Prayer – Part 2

Jesus on Prayer – Part 3

Speaking of study, I need to get to this weeks sermon. If you think about it, pray for me. Preparing a message is not easy or quick (at least not for me) and it is a great responsibility. I need the Lord’s help and guidance every time. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you have a day full of God’s blessings.