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A trip and a growth…. with pictures of both

Well, Anna and I recently took a buzz down to Florida. Yes, I know we missed seeing some of you, but it was a very quick trip. We went to Hobe Sound to visit my Grandpa, who was not able to make it to the wedding. So we went down there so he could meet Anna. We had a very wonderful time, and Grandpa was really pleased to see us. So were the rest of our family members down there. We had a little cook out on Monday night and several cousins came over and it was like a mini-reunion. So without further ado, the pictures:

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We went to the beach (Atlantic side) for a little while on Monday. Twas very nice.

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My Grandfather, Glenn Hoerner.

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Ethan, Rick and Mary Ellen’s son and therefore my second cousin, loved the water. He wanted to get as close as possible….

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…….without getting too close. He didn’t want the waves to knock him down.

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And it was pretty cool, but I also saw an angel on the beach!!! I snapped this picture of her before I realized it was only Anna.    (Ok, so sue me for being mushy. I’m allowed to be all gooey mush sometimes.) 

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Us with the patriarch of my mothers family. It was a wonderful day!

And then of course, there is the growth I spoke of…….

Beard 1

This was about one week of growth. I just decided that I wanted to grow one. I wanted to see how Anna would like it, and I also just wanted to try. One reason or another had always prevented me from attempting a full beard before, though I have done the goatee thing before. But now I didn’t have any good reason not too.

  Beard 5 Beard 7

Beard 6

These last pictures are about 2 1/2 weeks worth of growing. (With a bit of trimming.) So that is the latest. I have more to say, and more to blog, but that will have to wait for another time. I traded in my blogging time for family time. It was a good trade.