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An actual post

Well, instead of editing the last one, I decided to actually make a real blog post instead of all these “filler” posts. Aren’t you proud of me?

I got a magazine here at the church. (A promo. I don’t generally subscribe to magazines.) But this one is called “Clear” and is targeted at youth ministry issues. It had some fascinating statistics on one page. Here are the highlights, with [comments] from yours truly.

38% of ALL teens say they do feel close to God, but 56% of Protestant teens admit they do NOT feel close to God. [Not that feelings are the indication of closeness, but it is interesting.]

49% of ALL teens and 40% of PROTESTANT teens do not see faith playing an important role in their daily lives. [No wonder Christians have a bad name. Teenagers say “Yeah I’m a Christian” and yet that does not make any difference in their daily lives.] 

32% of PROTESTANT teens have personal time reading the Bible at least once a week.  [32 PERCENT!!! And that’s just once a week! That means 68% do not read their bibles even once a week! This is a little surprising, and yet I should have seen it coming. No wonder “christian” teens are so compromised and worldly. I wonder if the protestant churches today are any better than the catholic church of days gone by.]

41% of Protestant teens agree that there are no moral absolutes for everybody. [I was a little stunned at this one. How could so many teenagers, who are supposedly in Christian churches, believe there are no moral absolutes that apply to everyone? I’ll tell you why (at least a guess)….because we spend so much time at youth meetings talking about fun activities and trying to make people feel good that we never confront them with the Truth. “How dare you tell me how I’m supposed to live.” This phrase (and the thoughts like it) are used effectively in shutting up and shooting down anyone who dares to tell these teens that they are commiting sins. I’m not telling you, God’s telling you. Yes we need to be loving. Yes, there are more sermons to be preached than “hell-fire and brimestone.” But God help us if we continue to water down truth so much that even sinners can stand to hear it without being changed.
It is also interesting to note that the percentage of teens that don’t read their Bible is close to the percentage of teens that believe there are no moral absolutes.]

The average 8-12 year old spends 13 hours per week playing video games; increasing to 14 hours per week for 13-18 year olds.  [Ouch! This was probably about how often I played computer games, at various times of my life. Maybe not quite 14 hours a week, but sometimes I did. I became addicted to them, and sometimes thought about the story lines of games I played to the point of distracting me from real life. Computer/Video games are extremely fun and engaging, but they are not healthy if taken to extremes. I eventually had to give them up totally (except for certain exceptions) and I encourage all of my readers to be on guard against video games as you carefully consider how best to use your time.]

So far I have successfully resisted the onset of FDS. (Facebook Disorder Syndrome) This is an epidemic that has swept across most of North America. Sadly, it has even trapped some of my dear family members and friends. Some of them have even been pressuring me to start using. They say “Just try it. How can you say no if you haven’t tried it?” or something like “Come on, everyone’s doing it.” But I know how dangerous it is, and I refuse to give in. I see what it does to them. They start talking about Facebook all the time, depending on it for social interaction. Pretty soon, if things do not change, I fear they may withdrawl into their computer rooms and never see the outside world, content to interact with others exclusively via Facebook. What a sad path to trod.

I encourage all my fellow Xangans, and others in the cyber-world, Just Say NO to Facebook!
(Not to mention that I barely have time for Xanga, much less adding another “comment on my site-write on my wall-send me a message-my status right now is sleeping” website.)

OK, you want to see a great picture to end off this well written post? Here ya go!

To Sort 109

 One of my favorites (Pictures, and girls.)