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Are Conservatives Christians?

Here are some thoughts I posted on a friend’s blog. I’m not sure if they make sense, but they got me to thinking. Maybe they’ll do the same for you. Tell me what you think, if you have time.

Some interesting points in this post, Jason. Certainly worth considering. I do not like labels of any kind. Even the term “Christian” has almost become totally distasteful to me because of the cheap way it is used, and the way so called “Christians” and “Christian ministries” dishonor Christ and pretty much throw out the Bible in so many areas. So when it comes down to “Liberal” vs. “Conservative”, I agree that neither of those terms is synonymous with “Biblical”. We are to be a people that believes the Bible, and believes in the One who wrote it. And we are to apply that filter to the issues of our day. To be precise, we should not ask “what is conservative?” but “what is Biblical?”    That being said…

Conservative principles frequently fit the Biblical model. Not all people agree with that, but that’s ok, they can be wrong. Not all people bathe regularly either, but that doesn’t justify their behavior. Now, Conservative principles are not perfect, and are not always Biblically sound. I know that. But more often than not they do line up with Scriptural teaching, and even on economic issues. (You apparently disagree with that statement.) For that reason I am not sorry to call myself a Conservative. A Biblical Conservative.

On economics, that is a subject where I am probably rather weak. But I do not believe Christ’s teachings fall in line with modern Liberalism. (i.e. a welfare state.) He did teach us to care for the poor and sick, and the widows, etc. but that does not mean it is the governments job to do it. He intended for Believers to do that work. So the real problem here is that Christians have failed in their responsibilities. He taught us personal responsibility.

It’s that old adage, if a man is starving is it better to give him a fish, or teach him how to fish? (Or do both?) A Liberal would pass a law stating that half of all fish caught must be given to the government (a fish tax?) so that they can feed those needy people who cannot catch a fish. We need to ask ourselves if it is really Christian to have high taxes so the government can take care of everything, from giving us our food to planning our retirement.  That is essentially the Liberal philosophy for economics.

[Edit to original comment] Conservative, Capitalist economics have been proven by history to be
more effective in relieving and fixing the poverty of mankind. Not the
poverty of their soul mind you, but of their physical conditions.
That’s all the government is supposed to do really. Make a place safe
to live in, and give opportunity for success. But when it comes to
changing people, government has to bow out. Unless you want to live in a Theocracy.

Liberals want to take our money and decide who should get it, and who is the most needy, and basically have the government care for us all. Not many of them will say that, and probably most of them do not go to that extreme. They believe varying levels of that doctrine. But Liberalism is very close to Socialism, and Socialism is only half a step from Communism. Communism is an instrument used by the Devil to bring great wickedness and Godlessness to a people. No thank you. (Some people say that the early church was a communist system because everyone gave their possessions to the church leaders and they distributed it according to who had need. The only problem with that teaching is that the early Christians gave of their possessions willingly, as opposed to being forced, which is what communism requires. They also gave these things to the body of Christ, full of righteous leaders, not to the government.)

But then again, we could also live under Conservative tyranny. As you say, you cannot legislate morality. You cannot force someone to stop sinning through government actions. That is why the founding fathers of this nation said that our nation is doomed if we are not, first and foremost, a Christian nation. That does not mean a Baptist nation, or a Methodist nation, or a Presbyterian nation, but a nation of people who are changed by the power of Christ. They said that unless the people are not morally right inside, and have a foundationally Biblical worldview, then our nation will crumble regardless of what type of government we have. The deeper problem in our country is not the rise of bad laws or leaders, not the fight between Conservative and Liberal, but the loss of Christ in our culture. (Which began to happen long before 1950.) Bad laws and evil leaders are a judgement upon a people. That is taught over and over again in the Scriptures.

So in my view, the rise of ungodly laws and policies in our government is the fault of the people, especially God’s people. As we live ungodly, wicked lives, God judges us with ungodly and wicked leaders. 

Wow. That kind of went all over, but those are some of my thoughts. I hope you get a chance to chew on them.