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Choose you this day

Here are the sermon notes from yesterday. 

“As for me and my house…”

The Lord greatly blessed our service yesterday. I asked him to help us sense his presence in a strong way, and he granted that request. The sermon went well, and the worship time was excellent. The song leader even did an excellent job of tying the songs into the sermon. At the end of the sermon I did something different that I learned from doing Children’s Institutes. I was kind of nervous about doing it, but I felt God wanted me to. I preached on Joshua 24 where Joshua says to the Israelites “Choose you this day whom ye will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Paraphrased version.) So at the end of the message I asked that all those people who wished to decide today that they will serve the Lord, and give their whole selves, their hearts and all that they are, to him…those that would say “Today, I choose to follow the path of Christ, regardless of where it leads”…..I asked all those that wanted to say that publicly, and really meant it, to please stand right where they were. I like this better than asking people to raise their hands with “every head bowed and every eye closed”. It requires more humility, and dropping of the fear of man, to stand up in your seat where you are with everyone watching! But it also is more significant.

Any way, everyone stood up! I was pleased to see that, but I almost like it better when not everyone stands up, because then you are more certain that the ones standing really mean it, and are not responding to peer pressure. But praise the Lord for those that made their choice. I hope you are blessed and challenged by my notes.

[Edit] “…And a little child shall lead them.” An encouraging end to this post involves a young boy from our church. (I think he is 8 years old.) He also stood when everyone else stood to signify their choice to give God everything and serve him in sincerity and truth. But even his own family didn’t realize what an impact that had on him until later that evening.
He came into his mother and said “That was hard today.” She asked him what was hard. “To stand up and give everything to God.” (I’m paraphrasing.) She asked him why it was hard. “Because of family” he said. You see, I mentioned in the sermon that we need to surrender even our family to the Lord, and not allow them to become “gods” to us. She said, “What do you mean honey?” He started to tear up and had to take a minute before he could respond. He said, “Losing family.” Then his mother understood.
You see, his mother was diagnosed with cancer….last year I think. (Maybe two years ago.) She has fought it, and thanks to the blessing of God it is in remission and her life is not in immediate danger. But for a while it was, and it has been a very faith stretching time for their family.
You see, what happened in this little boys life was that he decided to follow the Lord, and surrender everything to Him, even if that meant that God would take his mother away from him.  He made his choice, and by standing up (even though it was hard for him) he was surrendering his mother to the Lord and saying that he loved God more. He was saying that he loved God enough to keep serving and loving Him even if God saw fit to take his mother home. This is so powerful and deep, and it is a place that many ADULTS never get to in their walk with the Lord. And he’s 8! Oh for the faith of a child.
There is not a smiley face big enough to communicate to you how much this story strengthened my heart!!!  Bless the Lord! It made my day, my week, probably my month!!! I still get teary as I write this. If nothing else good ever, ever comes from my move to Georgia, the last several months of prayer and work, all of it….in my mind it has been worth it. Sometimes you wonder why God sends you to one place or another, or the purposes behind his direction in your life. Well, I’m sure there are other reasons for me being here and all that, but even if this reason was the only one, I’d do it again. My life has touched someone else’s, and God has used me to draw that little boy to himself. There isn’t a feeling like that in all the world! Far from being proud, I am humbled that he would use someone like me, in spite of all my faults. I’m glad God is merciful. But I am proud of my little buddy. (He is one of several.) He made the hard choice that some of us are unwilling to make. May God give us all the faith of a child.  

On a side note, I realize I may have some of Calvinist theology in my readership, but I just have to say that anyone who can read the Bible, and especially Joshua 24 and certain passages in Deuteronomy, and believe that we as humans do not have a free will, is just very, very wrong! I love you, if you’re out there, but I have never been able to accept or even understand how someone could come to that conclusion when reading the Scriptures! Thank the Lord that we can choose, and are not pre-programmed machines.
[Edit] And just to be clear, I am not meaning to insult anyone, or label anyone. I hate labels, but I needed some short and easy way to put into context what I was saying.