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Cinderella Man

Last night I watched an incredible movie! “Cinderella Man” starring Russell Crowe was just one of the best movies I’ve seen in a long time. It was good from so many angles. Plenty of drama, nice fighting sequences, excellent plot, rooting for the under-dog kind of sports flick, an interesting look into the Depression, brotherly love, very well acted, well directed (Ron Howard), cute kids, and it even had a very nice love story that wasn’t too mushy. It had no bad scenes, but the language was unnecessary as usual. That is my one caution to y’all about this. Watch it with some sort of filter for the language, or buy a copy that has that edited out. (The language isn’t as bad as it could be I suppose, but it still crosses the line. Well over it in my view.)

The story is based on real life people and events. It follows the career of James Braddock, a boxer during the 20’s and 30’s. He made one of the most spectacular comebacks in that sport’s history, and won the Heavy Weight Championship. But it’s more than that. It’s a movie about a father trying to earn a living for his family, and keep them together the best he knows how. And it spoke to me about the importance of never giving up, but to keep on fighting, even if the type of fight changes from time to time. With a language filter, I can very HIGHLY recommend this as an excellent film that teaches good truth while being entertaining at the same time.

Any way, just wanted to share that. I’m hot and tired, and going to bed.