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Current happenings and future……stuff

This week we are having the Basic Seminar at Covenant. Should have a pretty decent turn out, though not a great many “first-timers”. That’s all right though. Even alumni of the Seminar still have problems and need to be reminded of the Truth. And there is so much truth in the Basic Seminar… really is remarkable how powerful, clear, and deep the teaching is. Forget everything else you know about IBLP and ATI, etc. and just take the Basic for what it is, and it’s pretty great. (This is the point at which all you former ATI students who now hate IBLP and all things connected to it can rant and rave about how blind I am, how much you pity me for not “thinking for myself”, how cultish the program is and why that behavior is based on the teaching of the Basic, blah, blah, blah….)

Concerning the future, well, Pastor Bob made it official yesterday. He will not be returning to Covenant Baptist as the pastor. (Well, not in any other capacity either.) He said he believes, based on his study of Scripture, that he is not “qualified” to be a minister. That’s basically his reason for not returning. The door was left open for him, and the church leadership made it clear that he could come back if he chose to. But he decided that is not what God wants. It was a rather sad meeting, and many people shed tears including myself. Mr. Bob told me it was the hardest thing he’s ever had to do.

So that throws some light on my future here, but not a whole lot. I’ve known this was coming for quite some time, but I was not able to say anything publicly until the announcement was made. My agreement with the church is that I would stay on, month by month, until a new pastor is found. I really don’t know how long that might be. Most people at this point ask me, “Do you think they’ll ask you to stay?” or something to that effect. So go ahead…..ask. I’ll wait.


Well, I’m not expecting them to ask me to stay. It’s not that they dislike me, but I just don’t think they are as comfortable with me being the permanent pastor as they were with me as the “interim”. There are basically three strikes against me, but none of these things would necessarily keep them from asking me to stay. It’s just factors that I consider to be hindrances to my staying as the permanent pastor. (Any guesses as to what those three strikes are?)

If they ask me to stay, I will certainly pray about it. But I will cross that bridge when I get there. I was certainly called here for this time, but I don’t know if I’m called to move and live here for several years. Maybe my whole life, because it seems that people who move to this area never really leave. It’s like a magnet to good, down to earth, kind-hearted Southerners. (Do I fall into that category?)

So who knows what the future holds.  I might be here for two more months, or two more years. Shoot, it might even be twenty years. (That is a possibility at least.) I guess I’ll just leave it in God’s hands for now. (And keep on preaching as long as I’m needed.) In fact, I plan to be “preaching” where ever I go from now on.