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Do you Shine?

In keeping with the pattern of the last sermon, here are my sermon notes on Light, posted directly instead of the usual document download. Be encouraged my friends, and be light in this dark world! 

  1. Light (vs. 14-16)

– That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of
God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation,
among whom ye shine as lights in the world;

Observations about Light:

  • There
    are different kinds of light. (Wavelengths/Colors)

  • Light
    has a dual nature (wave-particle, electromagnetic-photon.)

  • Light
    carries messages and information. (Radio, Television, even Colors.)

    1. We cannot hide our light (vs.

      1. Cities shine. Cities on hills
        shine for everyone to see.

      2. Either from its friends or
        its enemies.

        1. People
          seeking the light will come to us and rejoice.

        2. People
          hating the light and loving darkness will attack us.

          • Cockroaches
            (and other bugs) hate the light.

          • John

        3. We
          should be prepared for both.

      3. Means
        we are being observed

        1. Whether
          we like it or not, the world is watching us.

        2. Illust.
          – College Girl and the fund raiser.

    2. We are meant to shine! (vs.

      1. You don’t light a candle so you
        can cover it.

      2. God did not light us so
        he could hide us.

        1. A disciple of the Lord Jesus
          is not to hide his light.

        2. We should not be ashamed to
          shine, to name the name of Christ.

          • Mark 8:38 says if we are
            ashamed of Christ, he will be ashamed of us.

          • When in public, how do you
            behave? Are you careful not to mention Jesus if it comes up? Do
            you pray secretly so no one notices?

        3. God has a reason for us to be
          where we are.

          • Let
            there be Light – A young girl once consulted with her
            minister. “I cannot stick it out any longer. I am the only
            Christian in the factory where I work. I get nothing but taunts
            and sneers. It is more than I can stand. I am going to
            “Will you tell me,”
            asked the minister, “where lights are placed?”
            has that to do with it?” the young Christian asked him
            rather bluntly.
            “Never mind,” the minister replied.
            “Answer my question: Where are lights placed?”
            suppose in dark places,” she replied.
            “Yes, and
            that is why you have been put in that factory where there is
            such spiritual darkness and where there is no other Christian to
            shine for the Lord.”
            The young Christian realized for
            the first time the opportunity that was hers. She felt she could
            not fail God by allowing her light to go out. She went back to
            the factory with renewed determination to let her light shine in
            that dark corner. Before long, she was the means of leading nine
            other girls to the Light.

          • (This
            doesn’t mean we go to the “danger zone” to be wrongly

          • There is a reason, but He
            might be the only one who knows what that is.

          • Are
            you being
            where he has you right now?

      3. We are to give light to
        “all in the house” (all in our circle).

        1. Our light should touch all the
          areas of life.

          • Family, Work, Sports,
            Government, Education, etc.

          • Jesus Christ is Lord of all
            areas of life

          • Our faith in Christ should
            influence every aspect of our lives, and the lives we touch!

          • Are
            you keeping him out of some areas? Does the light shine to
            in the house?

        2. We
          responsible for how the light is received.

    3. The purpose is to glorify
      God. (vs. 16)

      1. God does the lighting. We do
        the shining.

      2. He gets the glory for our

        1. Illust. Lights off, light a
          candle or lamp

        2. When a candle is lit in
          darkness, do we say “Thanks, candle, for getting lit”? No, we
          thank the one that lit the candle, is holding the light, and
          bringing that light where it is needed.

        3. All the candle does is shine.
          Simply shine.

      3. We are only to shine, and
        allow the Lord to take us where the light is needed.

        1. Shouldn’t
          I do something?” No, just shine. “How do I do that? Is there
          a five step plan to effective shining?” :o) No, you just let
          God do the lighting, and you do the shining. He’ll handle the

      4. Ultimately, it is Christ that
        is the Light inside us.

        1. John 8:12; John 12:46

        2. Abide in Him!

    4. In Closing…

      1. Realize we will be a target,
        for both good and bad.

      2. God wants us to shine, not be
        ashamed and cover our light.

      3. Shine for the glory of God, so
        he gets the credit, and many are brought to Christ.