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Elections and Life

So much to do, and so much to say! I could do many other things, but for you, my reading public I submit the following:

Yes, the Republicans got beat pretty badly. When people like Rick Santorum from PA lose, a man who sticks to his guns and honors God boldly in a leadership role, you know that God is trying to say something. Yeah, we could point the blame at the wishy-washy Republicans who have been forsaking true and bold Conservative principles for a while now. (And I am hopeful about getting some really strong candidates out there next time, which is why it’s important for us to vote in the primary.) Or we could point the finger at Evangelical Christians, who traditionally don’t vote in high numbers. Many of these brothers and sisters don’t believe they have a duty to vote, or think they don’t make a difference with their one little vote. (That’s like saying one soldier doesn’t make a difference with his one measly gun. 50 guns make a difference, as do 50 votes, and so on. But I digress.)

The blame can be pointed in several directions, but the fact of the matter is that when ungodly leaders rise to power, it is a judgement against the people. My friends, we should point the finger at ourselves! Yes, there are a lot of ungodly people in this country, but it is largely the Church, Believers, that have left the Truth and are seeking their own selfish ways. This causes a domino effect that brings apostasy to the land and judgement upon the people! I have long felt that the way to bring our nation out of the pit of destruction that it is in is to call God’s people to repent and return to the Truth!

I am not saying “What’s the matter with you, Church of Christ?”  However, I am saying to myself “Jarod, do you think the little sins, or moments of weakness or selfishness, play no part in the judgement of your country?”

I am not perfect and I sometimes make mistakes or simply outright rebel and choose to do wrong. Should I expect those “little things” to have no effect on the overall health of the Church? Certainly God forgives us, and when I return to him he always forgives me and cleanses me from all unrighteousness. “He restores my soul.” But that does not always remove the consequences from my sins, and I must sometimes endure the consequences still.

Perhaps some of the consequences are of a more spiritual nature? That is to say, maybe the consequences of my bad decisions are not so very noticable in the physical realm, but in the spiritual realm perhaps their impact is felt further than I realize? Perhaps those wrong choices, those sins, have contributed to the need of judgement by the Lord.

Look at it this way. In the same way that my vote combines with the votes of thousands of others in my county, state, and country to elect the person that we all want, so does my “little sin”, my compromise, combine with all the other “little sins” of my fellow Believers to make a Church that is weak and apostate, and that in turn brings upon us the judgement of God.

I guess I’m in a sober mood. I am recognizing in a little way the far reaching impact of those things that I thought, at one time, only affected me.

But things are not all bad.   We have hope in Christ! He can change us, and purify his Church, and bring Reformation, a Great Awakening, to our nation! Hope thou in God my friends! Wait only upon Him, and He shall bring it to pass.

Life continues to move along, and seems to be getting pretty busy. I’m only getting married in two months. I can’t imagine why my life is getting busy. We’ve settled on a place to live and have begun making preparations to move in. I will move in sometime in December. Looking forward to having you all over. Sometime. Eventually. Many weeks after the wedding. We had pictures taken for the invitations recently, and they are excellent! I will post some when they are scanned into a digital format.

God’s goodness to me continues to be abundant. His loving kindness never ends.

Let me know what you think of the things I have spoken of in this post. Am I totally loony tunes, or is there truth hidden in there somewhere?