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First Pictures

Well, much has happened since my last post. We went to Nashville for the ATI conference. That was really very refreshing spiritually, while being very draining physically. Anna and I enjoyed being with our family (even if Dad did give me a cold) and also seeing many good friends. And the speakers were excellent this year, and very challenging and encouraging. But I’ll have to talk about that another time if I have a chance.

On Monday we had a rather emotionally difficult day. Something happened that caused us to seriously be concerned that we might be losing the baby. So, on the advice of our midwife, we arranged for an ultrasound the next day, Tuesday.  The ultrasound went well, and we were relieved to hear that the baby looks great and the heart beat is strong and everything is fine. We didn’t know for sure until we heard the heart beat that the baby was alive. Talk about a relief!  (Though it was probably the most expensive 15 minutes of my life!)

Any way, without further adieu, the first pictures of our BABY!!! 

Baby hinton

Baby hinton2

You’ll notice a duplicate picture. That’s because I haven’t gotten to cropping it yet. And check out that little foot! Most especially cool I must say! Of course the young’un has the typical big Hinton head.  

Thanks for all your prayers. God is truly more wonderful than I will ever understand!