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Gideon’s Descendants

This post is based on some thoughts that come from Judges chapters 6 – 9. I have been studying the life of Gideon for my sermon on Sunday, and I have been impressed by this great man of God. He certainly struggled with doubts and fear, but he acted on his faith, and God greatly honored him because of it. His name is recorded in Hebrews 11, the “Faith Hall of Fame.”

However, Gideon had his faults. One of them was that he had many wives, and therefore he had 70 sons. He also had a son by a concubine in Shechem. This son was named Abimilech, and ended up killing all but one of his half brothers when he became an adult. (i.e. Almost all of Gideon’s sons were killed.)

I asked God why he would allow such a seemingly serious sin to go unpunished. (Gideon’s sin of many wives, and his failure in other ways, didn’t appear to have any consequences for him in his life.) The Lord said something to the effect that Gideon’s failure did have consequences, but those consequences were visited upon his children. The story of Abimilech is really rather sad.

I was struck with the fact that our failures can have far reaching consequences, even upon our descendants after we die. Now, that does not mean God is not merciful, and certainly the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin. (1 John) But it is sobering to think that if I indulge in sinful behavior, the consequences may come upon my children or grandchildren instead of me. I am grateful for the mercy and patience of the Lord, but I do not want to presume upon that mercy. It gives me extra motivation to live a holy life, free from sin, knowing that my good decisions, as well as my bad ones, will impact many generations to come.