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Growing up

I had thought to give a decent length post here in the middle of the day. But time is getting away from me and I need to pursue other projects today. Perhaps later. But I will say this…

Growing up is fun in some ways, and hard in others. Of course, maturity is important and we should all be adults, etc. etc., blah blah blah. I know all of that is true. But sometimes it’s fun to just be a kid again, and forget all your worries and just enjoy playing around. Enjoy the moment, and not worry about the future except what game or sport or imagination you are going to tackle next. You know why kids don’t worry about the future? (Or most kids any way.) Because they know that their parents are going to handle their needs. They know that Dad and Mom are always thinking about what their kids need, and have the foresight and resources to provide for those needs. So little Jimmy can forget about where he is going to get his next meal, or where he will find a band-aid if he gets hurt, because he knows he only has to go to one place for that stuff: Dad and Mom.

So in that sense, in the sense that I don’t worry about what I will eat or drink, or what I shall wear, I don’t want to grow up. I know my heavenly Father knows I have need of these things, and will provide. I need only go to one place: Abba, Father!

“If growing up means I must be, eaten up with sorrow and worry

I’ll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up…….Not ME!”  

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