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Honeymoon part 1

Well, let’s see if I can catch you up to where we are now.

A couple wedding shots:

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This is a cute one of Greg, sort of hammin’ it up.

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I don’t know where he get’s it from….

After leaving the wedding, we of course went on our HONEYMOON!!!!   We had a pretty fun time…..

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Our first stop was Aiken, SC. A nice place, and we stayed at the “Hotel Aiken.” It is an old hotel, built in 1898. It has been a hotel ever since it was built. If you look carefully you can see the “Just Married” poster in the back window. (It stayed there the whole trip.)

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The top picture was taken way back in the day, while the bottom picture is from the same position only modern day. (If you can call that old married man in the picture “modern.”) 

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Also, while we were there, we rode the oldest working elevator in South Carolina! (And considering all the elevators they have in that state, that’s saying something. Whew!)   It actually was kind of neat.

Next we made our way to the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. We stay in a cozy cottage for two, which had a view from the back porch that was great. This was our view at sunrise:

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While there we took a hike up a very deserted trail (we saw a grand total of three people and one dog on the whole trail) to the top of one of the peaks. At the top of the rocks we had a beautiful 360 degree view. (Though, personally, I’d rather look at Anna.) These are some of the pictures we took.

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This one looks like it could be on the cover of a magazine! Anna took it.

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And remember that special picture of Anna I promised? Well, here she is in a special outfit she has not worn for many years. PANTS!!!! 

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Those of you that know Anna know how rare this really is. She usually does not wear pants, but she has worn split skirts and other things like that for certain activities. The jeans come out only when she would have worn a split skirt. She took great care to find a modest pair, and I appreciate that. But any way, there you have it. The rarest picture in the world next to a picture of bigfoot in pants. (I’ve heard he doesn’t like the modern styles.)

On to other things – We also visited the “Luray Caverns” while we were there. That was fun, though the pictures did not do it justice, and the tour guide was amazingly….ah…..corny! But he did seem like he knew his stuff.

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After Virginia, we went to Chicago for Jared and Katie’s wedding. I’ll post pictures from their wedding (maybe) some other time, but here are some shots from that leg of the journey:

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We went ice skating at Millennium Park. That’s the big “Bean”. Rather remarkable really. Anna had not been ice skating out doors since she was a little girl in Germany.

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We had a security guy take our picture. It was a wonderful day in down town.

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I also took Anna to see THE most beautiful and ornate McDonald’s I have ever seen, either in real life or in pictures. It’s actually a nice place to eat. All McDonald’s should be this way.

Let’s see what was next…..

Well, you’ll have to wait because we need to go eat and stuff. Maybe we’ll finish this post later….