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Honeymoon, Part 2

So I ended part 1 at McDonalds el Magnifico. (Pardon my Spanish.)

Next we slowly made our way back south. We went through some of my old home towns in Indiana. Ahh good old Hoosier Land!

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One of the main places was Fairmount, boyhood home of James Dean, and also the creator of Garfield (Jim Davis) grew up there.

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We got to see my old house……….I mean “clubhouse” where my siblings and I would have many adventures. I learned to shoot basketball on the rim behind this building.

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We also went to my old church…..

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Where I had the opportunity to speak……

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……only the church was empty. hehe    We did see my old pastor though, which was nice.

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Anna was impressed that they had an old fashioned bell…..and actually ring it on Sunday morning. I’m glad she’s easily entertained. Make’s date night cheaper……”Honey, you want to go down to the Methodist church and look at the bell? Or how about the Episcopal church this time?”

We had a good time though, and it was nice to share with my wife a piece of my past she had not yet experienced.

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We hit the road again…

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I tried on a hat at an interesting place in Kentucky

And then we stopped in Nashville for a night. We went to the Gaylord Opry Land Hotel, which is beautiful inside. Here are some pics:

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They had a fountain in the middle of one of the main lobbies, and we waited for about 15 minutes for it to go from little cute stuff to the big….

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….costing (I’m sure) $60 a second….

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…..50 foot high….

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….SPURT OF WATER!!!!  It actually was worth the wait and the false starts.

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We also went to an Aquarium restaurant in Opry Mills, which was very interesting and very good.

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This is a guitar fish, which makes total sense and he was one fascinating animal. There were lots of salmon and sting rays and other things also. Very cool!

What did we do next? Well….ahem…..what I can talk about is that we just went home.  

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Back in good old Georgia!

One thing that deserves a mention is that my siblings (and perhaps my parents also) left toilet paper ALL OVER our house! But not out in the open. They hid it in every nook and cranny, every cupboard and gift bag, all over the place!!! It was hilarious!!! We are still finding toilet paper periodically when we open one thing or another. They also took the labels off all our canned goods so we had to guess what was inside. That was not as hilarious but still cute, and mild compared to what could have been done.

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I think the toilet paper thing will be a family tradition or something.

So that’s about it. I’ll catch you up with the other things in our life, including a trip to Florida and a “recent growth”, on the next episode of “Jarod’s at the Office Wishing He was Home” show!!!