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Jurisdiction, and a Redesign

Don’t you hate it when you sit down to blog all the great stuff that has been happening, and you can’t remember what it was? Or you had all these great ideas for blogs, but didn’t write them down, and now you can’t think what to say? Yeah, I don’t like it either.

I suppose one thing that has come up a couple times recently is that there are just some things that we cannot control. I was talking with a friend last night and he mentioned the word “jurisdiction.” Now that’s one I haven’t heard in a while, but it is a great word. It means that there are boundaries, lines, and clear responsibilities. Within my jurisdiction there are some very clear and certain things I am responsible for. It is within my realm of…..influence…..or…..control, and I therefore have a job to do.

But we get into trouble when we step out of those jurisdictional boundaries and take things upon ourselves that are outside our “jurisdiction.” For instance, if the local Milledgeville Sheriff decided he wanted to start investigating homicide in Washington D.C., and accordingly started snooping around and taking those cases, the police department in D.C. would get pretty ticked. Why? Because he’s outside his jurisdiction. Or when a Federal Judge decides that he can “legislate from the bench”, we get mad. Why? Because that’s not his job. It’s outside of his jurisdiction.

so apply this to our personal lives. If I see a child disobeying his mother, or acting like a brat, is it my jurisdiction to take that child behind the building and wear out his bum? NO! In fact, his mother will probably wear out MY bum if I were to try! It’s her jurisdiction to discipline her child, or that of her husband, not mine. So let’s think about that shall we. Stay in your jurisdiction, and only step out when invited to do so by others.

Do you like the new colors? I thought I’d try something new. I’ll post some honeymoon pictures eventually, but not just yet. Sorry, for those of you looking for more detail. I just don’t have it right now. I’ll talk more later.