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Just ramblings

OK, a friend recently sent me this article by Joshua Harris. It is really quite good, but it did convict me and make me think about what kind of choices I make in entertainment, and really life in general. It’s wasn’t exactly “fun” to read, but it was good for me. Tell me what you think.

Also, what is the deal with young adults who try to be teenagers as long as they can?  That’s awful! (And no offense meant to teenagers of course.) When I say “teenagers” I mean a person who is rather irresponsible and immature. I know not all teenagers are like that, but many are. But I also know teenagers who behave more like 25 year olds, and are very mature people. (I can think of one right off.) Why is it that those of our generation have to “play games” with their lives, holding on to their irresponsible ways as long as they can? They get jobs only to make money so they can buy their toys and keep playing bigger and better.

Why can’t those of us in our 20s, and even late teens, stand up and make a difference? Lots of people through out history have made huge impacts on the world before they are 25 or 30! Why don’t we see that any more? Perhaps they are making a bigger impact than we think. But I look at my own life and wonder why I wasted so much time! Just because we are not 30, or not married, doesn’t mean we are not adults yet! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!   I hate that mind set, both when older married people and young single people have it.  (*Deep breath* Ok….I’m not bitter.)

We are men and women who should be looking to behave that way, and make a difference in the world in which we live. Becoming people who make a difference by the power of the Spirit is what I’m talking about. I’m not saying we should all get busy and do something great for God. ( Surprise!) I am saying we should stop doing things on our own and do WITH God the great things he is already wanting to do. I’m saying we should grow up and act mature in the Lord, and let our relationship with him grow strong, and let his life live in us more and more, and then we will see Christ impacting the world around us in an eternal way. In a way that lasts!