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Just Sermon Notes

Hello friends. I know I have tons of stuff you are probably more interested in that I should blog about, but I knew if I didn’t do this I would never get it done. These are a couple of sermons from the last couple weeks. God greatly blessed these messages, and I hope they are a blessing to you also. The one about knowing Christ was full of some extra thoughts that were not planned but popped out any way. When I start talking about knowing Christ and the foundation of that to the rest of life…well…..I tend to get pretty passionate. (Some might say longwinded. )

The Four-Fold Failure of this Generation

Paul’s Greatest Purpose – Knowing Christ

Just a note, just because I know and speak the Truth in these messages doesn’t mean I have it down or that I behave in this way. I am seeking to be more like Christ, but it is not easy, and we must encourage one another in these areas. So just remember that these messages are my goal, but not necessarily my daily life. (Yet!)

Stay in the WORD!!! 

P.S. LLroomtempJ, I am still trying to finish listening to your sermon. I will give you some feed-back once I get it done.