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Loving enemies

Hello friends. I am really not in the mood to type anything. I’m not sure why. But I thought I’d just start and see what happens. It seems that I’ve had many moments lately that have inspired me to blog, but now that I actually have a moment to say something, I have not much to say. But maybe I can dig something up.

Let’s start with yesterday’s sermon notes. I’m not sure how many of you actually read these, but I hope they are a blessing to you. If you do read this and enjoy it, please let me know. If you disagree, tell me. Then I can show you why you are wrong.

Love your Enemies

God greatly blessed and anointed the service yesterday, and the sermon went well. I sensed God’s power and it seemed that I was clear. Then our worship time was good also. I know that I certainly felt like I was worshiping the Lord.

This week has been busy, mostly because of the Basic Seminar. I must tell you, that Seminar is stuffed with great truth!  You know, I found that since I’ve grown in age and in maturity since the last time I went through it I noticed a greater number of things that Mr. Gothard was wrong about, or at least things that were weak in his presentation of them. Those things came mostly near the end of the week. And it wasn’t that much, but it was more than I remembered. (Does that mean I’ll find more of those things the more I grow in Christ? No! Of course not you moron! That’s stupid and I can’t believe you even thought that! ) But over all it was outstanding and a great blessing. If you have a chance to go, throw out your assumptions and any difficult emotions, and just take it for what it is. I believe that if you love truth you will be blessed. (Though it might hurt a little.)

I’m going to go see Superman Returns tonight with some friends. I’ll give you a review (maybe) tomorrow.

There is so much more on my mind, and things I’d like to say, but I just don’t have the energy, time, or motivation to write more. I like to write, but it takes effort for me to put things together that make sense. (What?! You make sense Jarod? )

Jarod: So buddy, how’s it going?

Soul: Well, I’m a little sore from that beating last week. Emotions over there is recovering, and Mind and Will here are pretty much in agreement, so that’s good. But hey, you need to get some rest man. We’re getting drained because of all the work Body has been doing, and it’s starting to take a toll on our over all positive out look.

Jarod: I know, I know. The family reunion is coming up, and that should be good right?

Soul: Yeah, I’m looking forward to seeing the family. And the conversation and fellowship was good for us last night wasn’t it?

Jarod: Yeah, pretty much. It’s always good to chat about the things you and I really love.

Soul: I know. And the fellowshiping with other believers about the Lord is refreshing to me.

Jarod: I know, that’s why I did that for ya.

Soul: Thanks man.

Jarod: No problem. What are friends for? Who’s your buddy?

Soul: Oh, you da man! Yes, you da man, and I da Soul. I got SOUL POWER bro!

Jarod: LOL! You know it. That’s a good one dude. “Soul Power.” That was quick.

Soul: Well, you know, I try.

Jarod: So should I post this little conversation on my blog.

Soul: OUR blog you mean?!  Yeah, I guess so. But that kind of exposes me a little bit don’t you think?

Jarod: Yeah, but I think people like to hear from you. You are a lot more interesting than I am.

Soul: Well that is true. Just kidding. Sure OK, post it.

Jarod: Will do! And btw, don’t be so down cast, “oh my Soul”.

Soul: OK, OK. You know, I’ve heard that verse before.

Jarod: Yeah, but everyone needs reminded of things from time to time. You know me….

Soul: Yeah, I know, I know….”I like to remind people of things they already know.” I know you pretty well remember.

Jarod: True. OK buddy. Let’s get going before we are late.

Soul: I’m ready when you are slow poke.