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Modesty, and recent Sermons

What if you could ask 1000+ Christian guys any question you wanted to about modesty, what makes them stumble, what they struggle with, what is important to them, what types of clothing they like, etc?  What if they promised to answer your questions honestly? What if I was making all this up just to get you interested and then let you down?

Well, I’m not making it up, and you can find out what 1,600 guys said about modesty (148 questions) if you go to this site: .  This website, was started by Joshua Harris’ younger brothers. (Joshua Harris of “I Kissed Dating Goodbye” fame.) It is not bad rebelion, it is about encouraging teenagers to choose to rebel against low cultural expectations. I found the survey to be fascinating. I hope it will encourage and help you.

Also, here are the recent sermons I preached at Covenant.

Path of Fulfillment – A message on being “others focused” (while keeping Christ first of course.)

God’s Reputation – A message from Psalm 74 for God’s people today.

God bless!