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Multiple choice

“Yes sir, that’s my ____…”  “Take good care of my…..____.”  “Don’t throw the ____ out with the bath water.”  “Hello my honey, hello my ____.”

Jarod and Anna are having a _____.

The answer to all of the above is:

a. Dog   b. Car    c. Baby    D. Carrot Cake  

If you answered B, then you are an idiot.  If you said C, you are 100% RIGHT!!!!   

Yes folks, it’s official. My dear wife is currently carrying our child, which means I am a FATHER!   I can’t wait for the day when I can hold that little one in my arms. It will be around December 9th. Thanks for all the good wishes at some of our siblings blogs. We are both excited el grande mucho! 

Please pass the word since we won’t be able to call all of our friends. But we love y’all and you are welcome to come visit any time. But maybe wait until the second trimester, when the morning sickness dies off. (Lord willing. Right now it’s more like all day sickness except for days when…well, we haven’t figured that out yet.)  

God is far too good to me! But this post is long enough. Let the comment fest begin!!!