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My first Xanga!

Well, I’ve decided to get a Xanga at last. After finding out that many of my friends have one, and after at least three times of frusteration at not being able to comment on my own brother’s blog, I’ve decided to go for it. I’ve been blogging on another site for a while, but it’s down right now. So I thought, hey, why not post on both.

So here I am. And while I’m thinking of it, it’s too bad Xanga doesn’t have an occupation listed that matches mine very well. I’m a Pastor. (An “Interim Pastor” actually.) But I couldn’t find anything that matched properly. I thought about “Construction”, or *chuckle*, “Entertainment”. Some churches do seem to be more interested in entertaining their congregation (especially the youth) than they do in helping them actually grow and be challenged. But I finally just put “Non-Profit”, because that was closest.

Oh, and the picture is kind of an old one, but it was the best I had without puting up the cowboy picture.

I’ll put some others up when I get a chance.