My rates are cheap!
It is amazing how inexpensive my services are! For a mere “Thank you, Daddy” I would do incredible feats of fatherhood. For a simple “please” I could be employed as an inventory retrieval technician specializing in very high and hard to reach products. Or maybe for a lightly upgraded “please papa” I could utilize my advanced combat techniques to dispatch any pesky spiders or other undesirables.
Do I require expensive compensation packages? Benefits? Kick-backs? I do not. The cost benefit analysis here is definitely in the buyers favor. No inconvenience is too great, no errand too mundane, that I can resist the simple and sweet manners of a child whom I know will be truly grateful. The anticipation of that gratitude, expressed with a genuine smile, is enough to make me cheerful even during the most distasteful fatherly doody….I mean duty.
How high are your prices?