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Of Skirts and Pants, Deference and Judgment, Movies…and Romans 14

Perhaps this will spark an interesting discussion. Here is an illustration I had in my sermon notes for “Do not judge (Romans 14)”. (See post for April 30th.) I didn’t actually use this illustration in it’s fullness, but a friend asked me recently for clarification, and this is what I wrote:

The “Skirts and Pants” illustration was under the point “How do little things destroy?” I know many sisters in Christ who believe that it would be immodest of them to wear pants. They believe that they should wear skirts only, and their conscience would be violated to wear pants of any kind. I personally do not have a problem with women wearing pants, as long as they continue to look feminine and are not immodest. (too tight, etc.) I do not believe that Scripture condemns the wearing of pants for women. I consider it to be a relatively small issue. (Of course, it would probably be bigger if I were a woman, or had daughters.) 


However, if for some reason I, or perhaps one of my sisters, were to cause a female friend to wear pants against the dictates of her conscience before God I would be at least beginning to destroy the work of God in her. (In a certain sense.) That would be sin to her, just as it would be sin for the man to eat who “eats with offense.” Now, this is a relatively little thing. Wearing a pare of pants is not as bad (from our perspective at least) as sleeping with a man outside of marriage. But this “little” sin could cause this sister in Christ to travel down a path that would lead to much destruction and damage of the good work God has done in her heart.


Perhaps she would start wearing tighter and tighter pants. Perhaps she would then wear shorter skirts. Maybe she’d like the new found attention she would get from lustful men and boys around her. She’d then fall into doing worse and worse things for that attention until she WAS sleeping around and being immoral! Those things always start with something little, and that little thing in this illustration was simply putting on a pare of pants against the direction of God. (Now, of course immorality and immodesty comes from the inside, from the heart. The outward appearance is not a cause, it is an effect. What is in the heart is expressed outwardly. That must be kept in mind and I don’t want to be misunderstood.) 


So what started out as a little thing has ended up “destroying the work of God”. Paul was trying to tell us, rather than cause such a thing to happen, just don’t eat meat. It’s not that important. Consider the most important things, the eternal things, and let the little things go. Does that help you to understand better?


I also mentioned “Movie Store” in that point. This is from my own life and might help to make this even more clear. There was a time in my life that I went into movie stores. My family would rent movies and watch them sometimes. I had my own card because I was often sent to the store with siblings to pick one out. I began, when my parents were out of town, and eventually even when they were home, to rent bad movies on my own and watch them late at night when my family was asleep. To make a long story shorter, after a time of repentance and confession, I sensed God telling me that I should make a vow. I vowed to never again enter a movie store. It was just too great a temptation for me. If the family wanted to rent a movie, they would have to send someone else, or I would wait in the car, or something. There is more to it than that, but that’s the “jist” of it. That vow helped me greatly. (Though it was not THE solution certainly.) I have tried to maintain that commitment by God’s grace.


Now, going into a movie store is NOT a sin! It’s a rather little thing for most people in the world, even most Christians. They think nothing of it, it’s normal. But for my weak conscience it would be sinful. Because of my weakness in that area, I am forbidden from entering. It’s not because I am “holier than thou”, but because I am weak, that I do not enter a movie store. If I were to enter one because of a well meaning friend, or because I thought it was no big deal, “because all the other Christians were free to do so,” that would be wrong, and would begin to lead me down a path of destruction. All for such a little thing. Let us not destroy one another for “little things”.


I realize this is pretty long, but I just felt like going at it. In fact, I might just post this little “sermonette” on my blog.  Of course, when I post long ones like this it means that my other posts are moved further down and people aren’t as likely to read them. Oh well.