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On the lake….And remembering 9/11

I went out on the lake yesterday. That was pretty fun! I’m really starting to get the hang of this wakeboarding thing. Slowly but surely. I think I’ve improved every time I’ve done it. It was a pleasant and relaxing evening. Thanks to my friend Jordan for taking us out. I am so very blessed to have good friends around here.

Yesterday was five years since the attacks upon our country in New York. When I think about it, it makes me a little angry that we have enemies that would choose to fight a war by killing civilians! Their purpose was not to strategically cripple us, but to kill lots of people in a very public way and on a grand scale. I guess they had strategic targets also (Pentagon for example) but they were especially focused on the Trade Center. Such wickedness is to be resisted and defeated!

At the same time, God wants those enemies of ours to be redeemed, and to repent of their wickedness, and come to Christ for salvation. Let us remember that. Now, if those terrorists are coming at me and my family with intent to kill, I’m going to blow their heads away as a vicious protector of those I care about. But I will not do it with glee, but with a degree of sorrow that those men had to die without Christ.

Perhaps you think this is wacko nuts. That’s ok. I’m not saying this to impress you, or make you agree, but simply expressing my perspective on fighting and killing sinners when necessary. Fellow patriots, let’s be Christ-like even as warriors and soldiers. (If there was a smiley called “Resolved”, I would put it up here.)

And a p.s., I haven’t forgotten my promises to talk about music. I just have been very busy. I will get to it at some point.