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Pictures from Nashville

Some pics my sister sent me:

Me and Katie. One of the many beautiful Hinton women.

And yes, she also has a sense of humor. I don’t know where she gets it from. I mean, I myself am so sedate and quiet and normal.

Tim K., Daniel W., and my bro sharing Cell numbers. (Ever wonder why we still call them “Cell Phones” when they no longer work on that technology?)

The girls being goofy. (And scary looking.)

My Dad and two beautiful blonde daughters. The one in the middle certainly had Mr. G interested as a potential “bright countenance” on the next Great Expeditions trip. (Along with a couple other sisters.) Can’t say as I blame him.

This shows you how cool my Dad is. The two men on the end next to him are both State Senators. One is from Florida, and one from Indiana, and both are influential in their states’ legislature. (And they are cool guys too.)

A fun time was had by all.