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015 – Oligarchy OUTRAGE!

Preacher Dad Podcast
Preacher Dad Podcast
015 - Oligarchy OUTRAGE!

So hopefully this episode doesn’t get shut down, but let me tell you…. I am sick to death of the oligarchy that rules our nation! Here I share some of the information I learned from a recent Imprimis article. It deals with those that are still…STILL…in jail because of the incident at the Capitol building on J a n u a r y S i x t h. How is this happening in America?! It’s because we have a ruling class that must…MUST…have this narrative go a certain way. Get outraged America!

Begin Transcript:

Hello, welcome to the Preacher Dad podcast. Lot of times I do these podcasts on the way home, but today I decided to give you at least a moderate level of sound quality without the background noise. And I wanted to share with you some things that that I’ve been thinking about.

I got an article in the mail from a publication called Imprimis, and this is a publication of Hillsdale college, and I encourage you to get it. If you don’t, that provides a great deal of good info. It helps me to stay informed about some really important things. And this month, well, actually it’s September, 2021. I’m not sure it took me why it took me so long to get it.

But the September, 2021 issue talks about the January 6th, insurrection hosts, hoax, insurrection, hoax Excerpts from a speech given by Roger Kimball. And I tell you folks, this really has me up in arms because it is it is shocking. We, we need to, we need to get outraged back in America because this is outrageous.

What is being done to some of the people that that were there on January 6th. One of the things I, I, I mean, there’s a lot of things in this article that I thought were just outstanding. So I’d encourage you to go read it. Just do a search for Imprimis, I M P R I M I S. And do a, do a duck duck go search because we don’t want to use Google anymore.

But do a search for Imprimis, and you will be able to find this issue, but one of the things that he talks about here is that the sixth amendment to the Constitution gives American citizens the right to a speedy trial. But most of the political prisoners of January 6th, many of whom had been kept in solitary confinement are still waiting to be brought to trial folks.

How is it that after months and months we are still waiting to bring American citizens to trial after being arrested for basically trespassing? He goes on to point out that even though the media was predicting that they would be found guilty of sedition, criminal sedition and conspiracy, none of them have.

In fact, most of the hundred’s, that’s hundreds, of people that have been arrested are being charged with trespassing. Another charge being leveled against them is disrupting an official preceding. Which is usually used, is meant to be for things like shredding documents that inhibit a congressional investigation. It’s not meant for walking into the Capitol building peacefully and walking out. Everybody wants to say that this, this was an insurrection. Well, I’m sorry. An insurrection is that, as the dictionary defines it, as a violent uprising against a government or other established authority. Now what happened in the summer of 2020… 2020. That was definitely of… Those were violent riots.

They caused $2 billion in property damage and claimed more than 20 lives. But the, the, the incident that happened on January 6th, that the United States Capitol was not a violent uprising or insurrection of any kind. You say, well, there was people that died. Yeah. And he goes on to talk about the only person that died in connection…

Well, almost all the people that died were Trump supporters, number one, but number two, four out of the five of them had absolutely nothing to do with the incidents at the Capitol and the only other the other person that, that died; Her name was Ashley Babbitt. She was shot by a capital police officer.

She was a Trump supporter and she was in the Capitol building and was shot by a nervous Capitol police officer. So this was not a violent insurrection, no guns were confiscated. It’s just incredibly ridiculous. These trumped up charges. And then they keep hundreds of American citizens in jail for months.

Waiting on a trial for trespassing or obstructing or inhibit disrupting a congressional hearing. An official proceeding. What is going on in America? Why is this not outraging people? These American citizens should be released, at least released under their own reconnaissance or under bond, but no they’re kept in solitary confinement for months.

Do you know why the constitution guarantees a speedy trial? The reason that guarantees that trial is so that, so that people can’t be held for their political beliefs. And that exactly what is happening the entire narrative over the January 6th, quote, unquote “insurrection” is completely blown out of proportion and ridiculous.

The fact that we want to go from, I’m telling you, I’m just… I’m just fit to be tied over this. And I’ve been thinking about it and I, I even posted it to Facebook for as long as it lasts. But the government is out of control and the oligarchy that is running our nation, it’s a bi-partisan oligarchy, needed the January 6th incident to be as violent as possible.

So they exaggerate things and out and out lie about the death of one officer, saying he was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher, which later on they had, the media had to admit “oh, well, I’m sorry. Yeah, that wasn’t true at all. He died of natural causes.” And he was a Trump supporter. He died of natural causes the next day.

He wasn’t bludgeoned to death by our enraged “Insurrectionist”. this is ridiculous. It’s absolutely ridiculous. And it goes back to… the end of the article says it pretty well. They asked Donald Trump his thoughts about all the people that, the tsunami of attacks that he has endured over his presidency over those four years.

And he said, basically, they’re coming after you. He told his supporters, “they’re coming after you. That’s who, that’s who they’re targeting. I’m just in the way.” And he’s exactly right. The the ruling class of the American oligarchs are, they are, they’re coming after us. They… we… we pose… we, the grassroots conservatives, the grassroots evangelical Christian conservatives pose an incredible threat to their power.

Because we know that they are corrupt and…

This post might get be blackballed. That might… it might get me in trouble, but I don’t really care. Somebody has to say this, they are corrupt and the corruption needs to stop and we need, we need people around this country, solid Christian conservative people to stand up and take notice you.

You know that the percentages of people that vote in this country is incredibly low.

I think it’s something like, like 20% of eligible voters actually vote. And then out of those 20%, it’s only half of that 20% that actually win those elections. So it’s like 10% of the nation, 12% of the nation, somewhere in that zone that are, are selecting the president. Well, I mean, as long as you believe that the elections are still fair because there’s a great… there’s a lot of reason to doubt.

The author of this article, Roger Kimball, he says that every honest person knows that the 2020 election was tainted. And there’s no question that it was. They just don’t want to talk about it. And they, they want to silence anyone that was to say that.

Anyway, that’s, what’s been on my mind and you know, hopefully we can keep you coming back by giving you information that maybe you didn’t know. I’d encourage you to go check out this Imprimis article, it gave me a lot of great information that really was able to give me some clarity on what has been happening in our nation for several years and sort of the agenda of the other side. And so it was a very well put and very clearly stated.

So I encourage you to go check that out and I encourage you to stay tuned to the Preacher Dad podcast for more important, important information, and perspectives that maybe you’re not getting elsewhere. So we’ll see you next time. Thanks. God bless you. Bye-bye.

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