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017 – Fatherhood Friday! – We Need Men!

Preacher Dad Podcast
Preacher Dad Podcast
017 - Fatherhood Friday! - We Need Men!

The Antidote to our Poisoned Society

Do we need men? I recently listened to a wonderful episode of Wallbuilders Live in which they interview Dr. Everett Piper. He has written an outstanding article on the need for true Biblical masculinity. “What the world…needs now…are men, real men!”

In our poisoned society we need an antidote. Dr. Piper makes the case that true Biblical masculinity may really be that needed medicine. We have an epidemic of weak men…men who would rather play video games than engage with their families and make a difference for eternity.

(Granted, sometimes video games work as engagement, but realistically and generally, that is not the way it plays out.)

And when we talk about Masculinity here we are not referring to the abuses that have been common through out history. A man who oppress women and children, uses his physical power over them for his personal gain or pleasure, or who demands unquestioning, blind loyalty and obedience is not truly practicing biblical manhood.

True, Christ-like masculinity is not only strong and rugged, but tender and compassionate. A biblical man is patient and wise, brave and bold, and willing to fight when needed, but is wise enough to avoid it often.

So I encourage everyone to read the article, or at the very least listen to the episode of WallBuilders Live where they interview Dr. Piper.

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