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004 – Foundations 004 – The Creator Revealed

004 - Foundations 004 - The Creator Revealed

Intro: Did you know that the details of the creation on the second day show us how much God wants us to know him? He reveals himself, and wants us to know him, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the atmosphere we have. That is one way the Creator revealed himself. Things would have been distorted if God had chosen a different atmosphere in which to place us. This is truly powerful!

  • What was created on the second day?
    • Created the sky and called it Heaven
      • There are three “heavens” in Scripture: 1st = The sky within our atmosphere. 2nd – Outer space. 3rd – “Heaven of Heavens” = The abode of God’s throne.
      • The visible universe is about 29 billion light years across!
    • Created gases and certain elements of the periodic table (Oxygyn, Nitrogen, Helium etc.)
      • i.e. He created Air, and all that is in the air. The atmosphere.
      • Wanted us to be air breathers. Why? (We’ll answer that in a moment.)
      • Earth’s atmosphere is about 300 miles (480 kilometers) thick, but most of it is within 10 miles (16 km) the surface. The gases in Earth’s atmosphere include: Nitrogen – 78 percent; Oxygen – 21 percent; Argon – 0.93 percent; Carbon dioxide – 0.038 percent. Water vapor and other gases exist in small amounts as well.
    • What about the water?
  • What meaning do we find in this now?

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