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007 – Foundations 007 – Fish, Fowl, and First Blessing

007 - Foundations 007 - Fish, Fowl, and First Blessing

Jarod Hinton, September 20, 2015

Intro: Life begins on day five. The breathing life. The moving creatures. This is a new thing in the world and completely different than the living that the plants do. Hebrew word neh-fesh literally means “to breath.” Why is this significant? We will see that our God in Heaven is a God that loves life!


  • “…bring forth abundantly the moving creature…” = “Swarm with swarms”
    • Hebrew – Shawrats, Shehrets
    • Between 27,000 and 30,000 distinct species of fish. (Compare to 5400 mammal, 8200 reptile, 10,000 bird species.)
    • Adding crustaceans, mollusks, sea mammals, and even sea birds, there are more than 230,000 different species that live in the ocean. (Incredible creativity and detail.)
    • Why so abundant?
      1. One reason is because they escaped much of the death during the flood.
      1. Another is simply because God wanted to create “swarms of swarms.”
        1. Designed the Earth to be filled. Filled with what? LIFE!
    • What about sea monsters?
      1. “great whales” = Hebrew “tanneen” (“great” = Hebrew word can mean “large.”)
        1. Translated sea monster, serpent…and dragon. (Used 23 times in O.T.)
      1. KJV translated in 1611. The word “dinosaur” wasn’t invented until 1841. Before that, they would have used the word “dragon” to describe giant reptiles.
      1. Most dinos were made on day six, but these sea creatures (plesiosaur, mosasaurs, etc.) which we often call monsters were made on day five with the other sea animals. (Could any sea monsters have survived to today?)
      1. Bible talks about “dragons” and according to Scripture dinosaurs and men lived in the same time and same areas, contrary to evolutionary doctrine.
      1. Important to understand Biblical teachings about dinosaurs when in discussion.


  • There are about 10,000 species of birds worldwide.
    • Created to fly
      1. Flight is an amazing feat of engineering. Designed by the Father.
      1. Hollow bones, but strong – powerful breast muscles – highly efficient lungs
    • What purpose in flight?
      1. How else would they fill the sky? God filled the sea, and he then chose to fill the sky. Fill it with what? With living things! With life!
      1. Birds are designed to bring him glory as the One who invented flight.
    • Could evolution have made flight happen?
      1. What would “in between” species look like? Why have we never found any?

First Blessing (vs. 22):

  • Blessing – Hebrew baw-rak = bless, kneel. Has idea of adoration or adoring.
    • Baw-rak is a root word which occurs 330 times in O.T.
    • Blessings from God to us (position of authority) invoke the picture of a loving father kneeling down to adore his beloved child and speak kind things and good things to him face to face.
    • Blessings from us to God (position of submission) invoke the picture of humbly kneeling before our maker and giving him adoration and honor. (Helps “Bless the Lord..” make sense to me. A little confused about that for a long time.)
      1. In Scripture the blessing has incredible significance and power.
        1. Power is based in God’s power. (No magic words.)
        1. “Death and life in the power of the tongue…” (Prov. 18:21)
        1. Probably cannot overstate the significance of blessings in Scripture.
      1. So the very first blessing ever given upon the earth would have very great significance.
    • God blessed them with life!
      1. Be fruitful and multiply = Have a bunch o’ babies!
      1. Fill the earth. It is designed to be full. But full of life! (Can’t overpopulate.)
      1. As opposed to death.
        1. The glorification of death in our culture is a symptom of our rebellion against a living God that loves life.
      1. Lesson for people? God loves life!
        1. He wants us to live! To enjoy and cherish the life we have been given.
          1. Live life to the fullest! (Doesn’t mean jump off cliffs, etc.)
          1. Be grateful for the many blessings we have in this life.
        1. But what about when life is so hard I don’t want to live anymore?
          1. Remember that life is hard for everyone, but that is not the fault of life. This is the effect of sin upon our world. Sin brings death and corrupts life. (sin in general, life in general.)
        1. Remind yourself what true life really is…
    • John 1:4 – In him was LIFE! (Also John 5:26)
    • John 10:10 – Jesus came to bring us abundant life!
    • John 6:47, John 3:16 – When we believe on him, then we have true life, the life eternal.
    • John 17:3 – Eternal life is to know the Father, and Jesus Christ sent into the world.

The idea of dinosaur survival is not at all unlikely in view of what the Bible teaches is the real history of the world (see Dinosaurs and the Bible …).

Africa is still a vastly unexplored continent, with ample suitable habitat for dinosaurs. Thousands of square kilometers of impenetrable swamps and thick jungle cover the Congo, and may have never been visited.

The same can be said concerning possible sea monsters. The world’s oceans cover over two-thirds of our planet and average a depth of 3,000 meters (10,000 feet)—more than twice that of the Grand Canyon. At their deepest—11 kilometers (7 miles), Mount Everest would be completely hidden.

There is plenty of room in these vast depths for animals still unknown to modern science as living specimens.

Finding a live dinosaurian creature gains feasibility when we realize that less spectacular creatures have been found which, like dinosaurs, were also believed to have been extinct for millions of years between their appearance as fossils and the present.

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