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Here are some random typings from my extremely fertile brain…..

I’m siting here working on burning wedding DVDs. Several folks have requested a copy of our wedding ceremony, and for a small fee, we are going to provide that to them. If you are one of those people, please contact me. It’s turning out pretty well I think. (Now that we’ve been married over a year. Which reminds me I never posted anything on our anniversary.)

It has been quite a process trying to figure out how to rip and burn DVDs from their original to an exact copy. I have learned a good deal, though I was never able to get it exactly duplicated. But for a small fee, I’ll get you a copy of any major hollywood film. Just kidding.

I was remembering all the posts I used to do. Things that were funny, interesting, or both. Or perhaps spiritually encouraging or illuminating. I have let those slide a good bit I guess. To my faithful readers, I’m sorry. To my unfaithful readers, I guess you probably haven’t noticed. What are y’all doing being unfaithful any way? Don’t you know anything about loyalty? 

I have read a couple of good articles/blog posts. Here are some links of interest:—racism-wright-revisited.html

Well, I think I’m random-ed out. I want to go eat some pizza now. Ezekiel is eating. I thought about posting pictures or a sermon. I think I’ll do the sermon. Here you go!

[OK, I had a little trouble with the sermon. Go to my audio section to listen to a couple old ones.]