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Resurrection Sunday Sermon

The sermon I preached on Sunday was powerful. Mostly to me. I don’t know if anyone else got as much out of it as I did. I love it when that happens because I get to participate in God’s message. Here are the sermon notes. If you would like to save them, you can copy and paste. Let us rejoice in the life of our Savior, and the new life he has won for us!  Happy Resurrection Sunday! (even thought it’s late.)

(I also encourage you to read the passage.)

Those Who Rose with Christ – Ephesians 1:17-2:10

Jarod Hinton, Resurrection Sunday, 2007

Intro: On this Resurrection day, we celebrate the raising to life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We rejoice, and rightly so, that he is alive today and that through his death and life, his sacrifice and resurrection, we have been redeemed. But what about those that rose with him? Did you know that there were other people that rose with Jesus Christ on the same day that he did? Yes, there are actually two groups of people (that I am aware of) who rose on that day with him. One you may have heard of, but the other is not as well known.

The Father exercised his power when he raised up Christ from the dead. That power was exercised also for these other two groups. I want to focus on the lesser known of these two collections of people.

The first group is mentioned in Matt. 27:52-53, when it speaks of the graves being opened and some of the saints appearing to many after he rose. But the lesser known group (at least lesser known to many Christians) is more significant for us today. Knowing and understanding this group of people, and how they were raised with Christ, is absolutely vital to living the Christian life that our heavenly Father intends for us to live. A victorious and abundant life hinges on our understanding and believing the truth that I will share with you today. I hope you will pay close attention. Let’s turn to a passage of Scripture that speaks very clearly about this group of people.

  1. Revelation to Those Who Believe (1:17-19a)

    1. Paul prays that the “true knowledge” of Him would be revealed to them. (17)

      1. Epignosis = revealed knowledge, true knowledge

      2. Enlightened = to brighten

    2. For what purpose?

      1. That they may know (or see) the Hope of His calling, Riches of the Glory of His Inheritance in the saints, Exceeding Greatness of His power

    3. Great power is only to us who believe. (19a)

      1. Without faith it is impossible to please God.

  1. The Power and Authority Wrought in Christ (1:19b-23)

      1. Wrought means “to be at work, to do.” NASB says “brought about.”

    1. According to…”

      1. This Greek word means like as, or similar to.

      2. It is used in 2:2 when describing how we lived “according to” the course of this world.

      3. So the exceeding greatness of his power to us who believe is “similar to” the power wrought in Christ when God the Father raised Him from the dead.

      4. Paul is making an analogy between the power wrought in Christ and the power “wrought” in us. It is, essentially, the same power.

    2. Christ is Great

      1. No power, or name, is so great as that given to Jesus Christ, in this world or the next.

      2. The awesome magnificence, and power, of Jesus Christ is something we cannot quite grasp. He is above everything. ALL is under his feet!

      3. Heavenly places” mentioned 1:20 and 2:6

      4. What he has, we can receive also in faith.

      5. The power that brought this about for Christ brings similar victory and life to us.

    3. We are part of His body (vs. 23)

      1. Illust. Step on ant hill, break down door, lift weights = focus on person, not body part.

      2. Goes on to describe more of the identification we have in Christ.

  1. The Children of Wrath (2:1-3)

    1. We were once the children of wrath, meaning deserving condemnation from birth.

    2. That word “conversation” is an old English word that means “manner of life.”

    3. When left to ourselves, we walk after the sinful nature of this world.

      1. Desires of the flesh and mind

    4. Bible says “All have sinned…” (Even those that think they are good.)

      1. It only takes one lie to be called a liar.

      2. One stolen thing to be called a thief.

      3. One lustful look to be called an adulterer.

      4. One angry look or word, and we are worthy of a murders punishment. (See Matt. 5)

    5. Will God allow liars, thieves, and adulterers into heaven on Judgment day? (Tip of iceberg)

    6. Paul reminds us of the immense wickedness of our sins, and what we once were.

    7. We all need a Savior. Realizing how horrible our sin is causes us to be more grateful for the mighty power/grace of God to save us.

    8. Saving sinners was not easy. It was so hard that only Jesus Christ could do it!

  1. Raised Together with Christ (2:4-7)

    1. Quickened means “to raise to life.” We have been raised to life with Him!

    2. Grace = the desire and power to do God’s will. (Mercy= Not giving what we deserve.)

    3. Notice how often it says “together.” We are unified, identified, in Him!

    4. I am in Christ, He is in me. We are united as one body. (Vine and Branch)

      1. A process through out our lives, facilitated by pursuing our relationship with Christ.

    5. His resurrection, Our resurrection

    6. His freedom, Our freedom

    7. His life, Our life

      1. Illust. Husband and Wife share possessions, home, etc.

    8. Do we realize the implications of this truth to our daily lives?

    9. I believe this is the “exceeding greatness” he was speaking about.

      1. What a change from being similar to the “prince of the power of the air” to being united in life with the Holy Son of God, being seated with Him and shaped to be like Him.

      2. Such an action can only be accomplished through the great power, i.e. the grace, of our merciful and loving heavenly Father. (2:4)

    10. It was done for the purpose of bringing glory to God, proclaiming his wonderful grace throughout all eternity. (2:7)

  1. His Workmanship (2:8-10)

    1. By Grace

      1. Began with Grace, ends with Grace. (see 1:17 & 19)

      2. It is God’s work, and for his glory! NO room for boasting.

    2. Through Faith

      1. Began thought with Faith, ends with Faith. (see 1:19)

      2. We must believe for this to be real in our lives. Faith sets into action spiritual realities.

        1. Illust. Unbelieving Prince

        2. This is one reason we continue to struggle. We do not have perfect faith.

        3. But faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God!

    3. For Good Works

      1. What are good works?

        1. Giving (financially or otherwise) to the poor and needy

        2. Serving others (ALL others)

        3. But it’s also more than those things. Also…

        4. Having our quiet time each day

        5. Growing in grace

        6. Allowing God to develop character in our lives

        7. Responding with character and integrity to pressures

      2. Created for relationship

        1. Lack of relationship makes us empty. (Applies to human and divine relationships.)

        2. Even good things are empty without relationship.