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Roosevelt or Reagan?

Here is an excellent article that appeared in “Imprimis”, a publication by Hillsdale College. 

You really should check it out. It talks about two very different philosophies of government. After you read it, you will understand the rest of this post.

That article prooves why we need Christ in American society. If government does not impose “social justice”, or some kind of order upon us, then it is left up to the individuals to practice their liberty in a righteous way. One excellent point made by President Reagan, quoted by Mr. Marini, is this: If a people cannot be trusted to govern themselves, then how can a people be trusted to govern someone else?

Individuals cannot practice righteousness without Christ. They will abuse their freedom and liberty when Jesus Christ is taken out of the picture. The founding fathers knew, as is aluded to in the above article, that government cannot impose good behavior upon people without becoming tyranicle. It is beyond governments jurisdiction to make people behave righteously, or in other words, to govern themselves. That is why they limited the government from imposing a certain branch or doctrine of Christianity. But they all recognized the irreplaceable importance of having a nation full of Christians. They said that the United States was doomed to failure if it did not have Christian principles and morals as the foundation in the lives of the PEOPLE, not the government.

The only way a limited government can work is if the people are able to govern themselves. We as humans are unable to govern ourselves apart from Christ. Yes, let’s make government smaller (may God give us a president and congress who believes this and works towards it) but it will do no good if we do not put Christ back into the society. And that will not happen until we start putting Christ into every part of our own lives.

Do you want to see reformation? Really? Are you sure? Because it means you will have to give up, not just your secret sins, but your own life, your own way, your own will, and surrender completely to the Lord. That’s hard. Really hard. Dying to self has never been a cake walk.

Jesus said “Whosoever will save his life will lose it. But whosoever will lose his life for my sake and the gospels, the same shall find it.” Let us “take up our cross” and follow the Lord.