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Last Sunday I preached on how Believers are the Salt of the Earth. As a change of pace, here are the sermon notes for you to look at on your leisure, but you don’t have to download anything.    Since most of my readers are believers, I can safely say: May God help you behave like salt to those around you.   (BTW, much of the research I did on Salt came from,, and

  1. Salt (vs. 13)

    1. Salt is a Preservative

      1. Many
        microorganisms cannot live in an overly salty environment: water
        is drawn out of their cells by osmosis. For this reason salt is
        used to preserve some foods, such as smoked bacon or fish.

      2. Salt’s
        preservative ability was a foundation of civilization. It
        eliminated dependency on the seasonal availability of food,
        allowed travel over long distances, and was a vital food additive.
        However, because salt was difficult to obtain, it became a highly
        valued trade item throughout history. Until the 1900s, salt was
        one of the prime movers of national economies and wars.

      3. It
        has also been used to disinfect wounds. In medieval times salt
        would even be rubbed into household surfaces as a cleansing agent.

      4. Salt
        basically preserves food and disinfects wounds, etc., because it
        kills some of the bacteria and germs that cause food to spoil, or
        wounds to become infected, etc.

      5. That
        is how we are to function in this earth. We are to kill the lies
        that creep in and seek to spoil and destroy our families and
        friends. Kill lies with TRUTH!

        1. The “Spirit of Truth”
          dwells in us. (John 14:17)

        2. Jesus says in John 17 that
          sanctification comes by Truth.

        3. 2
          Cor. 10:5 – Casting down imaginations, and every high thing
          that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing
          into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

      6. Salt
        is like Truth

        1. It
          stings when added to a wound.

          • But
            if done carefully, is beneficial.

        2. It
          helps to preserve things that are vulnerable to spoiling.

          • Truth
            will preserve your family, your spiritual walk, your business
            life, etc. (Don’t forget that Christ is THE
            Truth. John 14:6)

          • Train up a child in the way
            he should go…(Prov. 22:6)

        3. One difference is that you can
          never have too much Truth.

    2. Salt is Valuable & Useful

      1. Refined
        salt, that is most widely used presently, is mainly sodium
        chloride. Only about 7% of refined salt is used as a food
        additive. The majority is sold for industrial use, from
        manufacturing pulp and paper to setting dyes in textiles and
        fabric, to producing soaps and detergents, and has great
        commercial value.

      2. Operates
        as an electrolyte, and is very important to the proper function of
        our bodies.

      3. Very
        valuable and useful. Especially in the ancient world. In one
        ancient city, supposedly, salt was worth it’s weight in gold!
        (Also valuable in Jesus time.)

      4. We
        are valuable and useful to the Lord!

        1. He
          purchased us with the life of his Son, Jesus Christ. (Value)

        2. He
          places different Christians in different places. (Usefulness)

          • Eph
            4:11-12 – And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and
            some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
            the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for
            the edifying of the body of Christ:

    3. Salt is a Seasoning

      1. But it needs something to
        season. (tastes bad plain)

        1. Illust. Child taste a bunch at

      2. Salt
        is most useful when it is
        something! (Not much good alone.)

      3. We
        are the “taste” of Christ to the world.

      4. We should not be secluded

        1. Seclusion:
          The act of separating from society or
          connection; the state of being separate or apart; separation; a
          shutting out; as to live in seclusion.

        2. Monastery Mindset (Monks did
          much good, but most went out of balance.)

        3. Some people think that to talk
          with a non-Believer is to be in danger.

      5. We
        are to be separate and set apart, but in our behavior, not in our
        connection with people.

        1. Biblical concept: “Be in the
          world, but not of the world.”

        2. We are to be always ready to
          give an answer (1 Peter 3:15) but we cannot do that if we have no
          contact with non-Believers.

        3. Jesus ate with sinners. He
          came to call sinners, not righteous, to repentance. (Mark 2:17)

        4. Seclusion
          are different.

      6. To function (season) as we are
        supposed to, we need to be out there, impacting and influencing
        people and ideas. (Voting is a part of that.)

    4. How can salt stop being

      1. Dilution (Compromise)

        1. Eventually we lose the taste
          if diluted enough.

        2. How do we “dilute”

      2. Over exposer to the air (No

      3. Message
        BE SALT! Don’t stop behaving as salt!

        1. Don’t sacrifice the Truth.

          • Combat lies in a loving way.
            (In your life, those around you.)

        2. Be available and useful to the
          Lord. (Wherever)

          • Don’t forget your value

        3. Influence the world around

          • Don’t fall into sin, but
            don’t seclude yourself so much that you are not “seasoning”
            the people you know with a “taste” of Christ.