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Stony Ground, and the Mercy of God

The message notes from yesterday. This was part 2 in a series I am doing on the Parable of the Sower. It’s been a very beneficial and interesting study so far. God greatly anointed the message yesterday, and I am so grateful for that. I could just sense that it was flowing. (And it flowed for about an hour actually.)   God is way to good to me.

Parable of the Sower, Part 2

I was also struck this past week by an experience I had. I went to a funeral of a man who had not lived a very righteous life. He was a gentle man I think (I didn’t know him that well) and was very well loved by his family. But he had some struggles in his life, and actually turned his back on the Lord a couple times. No one was certain of his salvation.

However, a few weeks before the end of his life, one of his relatives came with her husband to his hospital room. They spoke to him of being certain of his salvation, and he said that he was not. When asked if he wanted to be sure where he would spend eternity, he said that yes, he would like to be sure. They prayed with him and he genuinely received the Lord as his Savior. A few weeks later he was dead.

His funeral was a blessing, because many of his family are Christians, and they were all rejoicing that he is in Heaven now. I was rejoicing with them. It struck me how merciful our Lord is, and that it is never too late. He is so merciful that even a man who had turned away from him, and lived most of his life in a wicked way, when at the end of his life he says (essentially) “Father, I am a sinner, and I need you. I put my faith in Christ as my Savior. Please forgive me and receive me as your son.” And then our wonderful heavenly Father says “Sure. Yes, come on in! I love you, my son, and I have waited long for you. Enter into my kingdom.”  Wow! Such mercy, and love!

He didn’t turn him away. He didn’t say “No, you rejected me, therefore I’m responding in kind.” Nope, not our Father. Our Lord, our Father, said “Yes!” I’m so glad he said yes to me, and has said yes so many times. Praise YHVH for his everlasting mercy, and his forgiveness that is so freely bestowed upon all who call on Christ!