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Sunday’s “Hard Ground”

Sunday’s sermon was taken from the Parable of the Sower. I think I’m going to do a series from that parable. I feel like that’s where God wants me to go with it. God blessed the message, and I think folks received the Truth. One young man told me that he was ready to explode to the altar, worked up the courage to do it, and then was confused about when the altar call was supposed to happen. He thought we skipped it and went right to the singing. (We do the preaching first at Covenant.) Actually, the hymn we were singing was the altar call, but he didn’t realize that. I told him that I hoped it didn’t stop him from praying. He said it didn’t. I’m really encouraged by that young man’s response to the Truth over the past several weeks.

Parable of the Sower: The Hard Ground

So there you have it. I hope this is a blessing. I didn’t post it yesterday because I went and bought a computer game, and ended up playing that most of the afternoon and evening. You know, there is nothing wrong with playing computer games. But when they are taken out of balance, and become a “god” in your life…..that’s a problem. I spent way, way too long playing that game (it’s like being in a movie, and those of you that have played the more advanced games know what I’m talking about) and that had a negative effect on yesterday and has spilled over into today. And the bad thing is that I sensed God prompting me not to do it, that I had better things that needed done, but I ignored that prompting. I wish I would have listened. But today is a new day. May God redeem it for his glory.

BTW, the new profile pic is a fake. I have never been TIME magazine’s “Man of the Year”. (I know, stupid comment, but I don’t want to get sued or something.)