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I will forever be more compassionate towards people from the South that come into an environment where they are not surrounded by Southern culture. It used to be I was one of those people that would say (or think) “Oh, keep talking. I love your accent.” Or tease them for saying that wonderful word, “Y’all”. (That is a great word, btw. It’s easy to say and has such a very comfortable feeling.)

But not any more. I, having not been raised with “Southern culture” as much as people from Georgia, have been labled a “Northerner” by my friends. (Who of course tease me out of fun.) Even though I am from Virginia and my family lives there. I mean VIRGINIA for pete’s sake!!!! Major part of the Civil War! We were the good guys! Stonewall Jackson! General Robert E. Lee! VIRGINIA!!!! Sure, I was raised in Indiana, but as a “Southern Sympathizer”.

Nope, sorry pal. That’s part of the accursed “North”, according to all the teasing I receive. In fact, I think most people from Georgia consider anything further North than South Carolina and Tennessee to be “Yankee Country”. (That is until they meet a REAL Yankee. Usually those that have traveled outside of the South a little have a more ballanced perspective.) Boy do they love Georgia! And their proud of it! (Oh, and btw, they don’t think Florida is really part of the South. It’s referred to as Yankee vacation land.)

So they tease me about being from the “North”. I feel like an outsider sometimes. Not only living alone and adjusting to my new life here, but also being “not from Georgia”, makes me feel like I’m on the outside of an exclusive club that I can’t join no matter how many grits I eat. It’s not easy to get over those feelings. Sure it’s funny, and I enjoy the attention and the jokes, and I know they only do it because they like me.  But sometimes it get’s old.

I know all of this is part of God’s growing and teaching me. *sigh* OK, the growing times aren’t easy. Well, then I guess I’ll just deal with it by trusting God to know what he’s doing. But one major lesson I’ve learned is to be nicer to the Southerners that come further North, and don’t talk like anyone else, are out of their comfort zone, very little is familiar, and are trying fit into a new culture without losing their identity. I don’t need to me unmerciful in teasing them about their culture. (A little is ok though. ) And on a bigger scale, to people from other countries living here, imigrats, missionaries, etc.

I guess maybe I’m just homesick.

[And please don’t leave comments like “Oh you poor guy.” This is just a ramble and I’m venting.]