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Tag: abortion

037 – Life Wins!

June 24th, 2022 – A day I will try to remember the rest of my life. The day life wins. A day when my faith was strengthened, my heart was encouraged, and hope was restored. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and also reversed the Casey decision,...

032 – Your Family Can Stop Tyranny!

How can a family stop tyranny? In this episode the Preacher Dad reveals his appreciation for Star Wars culture, discusses the unprecedented leak from the Supreme Court and then reviews an excellent book which reveals the power of the Christian family to resist totalitarian ideas and communist tyranny. That...

Isaiah 59 – Part 1

Friends, if we want our Father in heaven to heal our land, repentance comes first. "If my people...will humble themselves...and turn from their wicked ways...then I will hear from heaven and heal their land." (2 Chr. 7:14) This is not earning grace or favor from God, or even earning...

Government Hypocrisy – Is it a person or not?

So guess what counts as a person according to the federal government? According to "", which is a group founded to help educate people on what health care coverages they are eligible to receive, when determining how many PERSONS live in your home you can count a pregnant woman...

A Rant……or three

OK, I know it’s the middle of the morning, but I have a couple things I wanted to get off my chest. (And I wanted to post my last three sermons so I don’t have to think about that any more.) Rant #1Why is it that for some reason...