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Tag: Article

Defend the Faith

I ran across this article on ICR’s website, and was encouraged. Take special note of the quote from Charles Spurgeon, and the comments from Dr. Morris on the comprimise many Christians make between evolution and creation.

Muslim becomes Christian

This is one amazing article from FoxNews. This man has an incredible testimony of how he came to the Lord, and I hope I never have to sacrifice what he did. Basically he sacrificed everything to follow Christ. And not for financial gain, or glory, or a better life, but...


If you know what those letters mean, or even if you don’t, you might want to check out this article from Plugged In Online. It’s about online gaming (written by someone who enjoys video games) and I think it is worth while for both gamers and parents of gamers. ...

Jonathan’s Leadership #2

Here is the article I wrote based on my sermon on Jonathan and Saul, contrasting their leadership. I was encouraged by more than one person to write down what I said in article form. So here you go. May God bless each of you!A Leader God Honors...