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Tag: baby

Predictions…and Other Plans

When Anna was 21 years old, all the signs pointed to the fact that she had Lupus. The doctors told her (predicted) that she should prepare for the real possibility of never having children….ever. But God had other plans…When I moved to Georgia, I expected to work for around four to six...

Happy 2nd Anniversary, Darling!

My Hetti and I are celebrating two years of marriage today! Some of you may not know how she got that nick name. She left a comment on my blog once, before we officially met. (A pre-Xanga blog.) She had to leave her email in order to comment, so...

Ezekiel Crawls

Here is an anthology of crawling videos for all lovers of Zeke. More to come later. (I am also hoping to blog again soon.)  Enjoy! ...

Videos of Zeke

For the enjoyment of family and friends….Check out these links for home movies of Ezekiel. – Laughing at Missy = 4m 39s – The Fists = 1m 27s – Singing = 48s – Daddy and Zeke sing = 1m 11s ...

More pictures of our Baby

For those of you picture people that just can’t get enough….  This one comes in currently at #2 in our favorites list. And our personal favorite…  Daddy’s little boy! One week old and already a charmer!...

It’s a Boy!!!

Ladies and Gentleman, it is my great pleasure to introduce to the world….Ezekiel Thomas HintonBorn: December 9th, 2007Weight: 8lbs 13ozLength: 21 1/2 inchesCuteness: Are you kidding? It’s my child. Of course he excells in this area! Wide awake   Playing with Daddy Winkin’ at Mommy!...

The Baby Bump!

Anna continues to grow in her “cuteness”, and that little baby of ours is growing nicely. Just the right size for this week of pregnancy. (Go back and check the “Development Ticker” post. It updates to the current week and development of the baby automatically. Or at least pretty...

Life recently

Well, I guess it’s been long enough. I’ll update now. For some reason I always feel the need to catch everyone up on EVERYTHING that has happened since my last post. It’s not like that is necessary. Let’s see, what are the current happenings? Saturday we went to get...

“I Hold a High Note”

In recognition of singinglynnie’s post, here is a funny song that is a parody of love songs done by your typical modern boy-band. I will update soon, Lord willing. Enjoy!   BTW, the “Devlopment Ticker” updates automatically. Check it out down below. You can get a relatively up to date description of...

First Pictures

Well, much has happened since my last post. We went to Nashville for the ATI conference. That was really very refreshing spiritually, while being very draining physically. Anna and I enjoyed being with our family (even if Dad did give me a cold) and also seeing many good friends....

Grateful Rememberance

I often post my sermon notes in the hope that it will encourage someone out there. In place of that this week I would like to share with you a very personal note my father wrote to me a couple weeks ago. (With permission.) It encouraged me beyond words,...

Multiple choice

“Yes sir, that’s my ____…”  “Take good care of my…..____.”  “Don’t throw the ____ out with the bath water.”  “Hello my honey, hello my ____.”Jarod and Anna are having a _____.The answer to all of the above is:a. Dog   b. Car    c. Baby    D. Carrot Cake   If you answered...