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Tag: Bible

A Leader God Honors – Part 1

King Saul serves as an example of failure in leadership. This is helpful to us because sometimes being a success means knowing what behaviors to avoid....

Of Music, Lyrics, and Songs: My Perspective

As a first real post, I thought this article might stir things up a bit. And it seems to be still relevent today. I hope it will give you something to think about....

The Un-story of Jesus

We were given a children’s book from a dear friend called “The Story of Jesus.” It s a “little golden book” for those of you familiar with that. Now this friend certainly meant well and was genuinely being generous, for which we are grateful, and perhaps did not realize...

Permission to Parent

Not long ago Anna and I came across and article by Rod Arters which we thought was funny and interesting, but also something a lot of parents need to see. Some of these seem like no brainers, but it’s nice to see Biblical foundation for them any way. (I...

Jonathan’s Leadership #2

Here is the article I wrote based on my sermon on Jonathan and Saul, contrasting their leadership. I was encouraged by more than one person to write down what I said in article form. So here you go. May God bless each of you!A Leader God Honors...