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Tag: Christian

043 – Basic Christian Duty

This was such a normal part of my growing up that I completely take it for granted that all Christians would think this way. But I'm sorry to say, many do not. ...

“For such a time as this”

What is a Christian's duty in government? Influencing and even guiding governments to be more righteous, wise, or otherwise beneficial to the whole of a given society is an honorable pursuit for any Believer. To borrow a phrase from the Pledge of Allegiance, to preserve “liberty and justice for...

Of Music, Lyrics, and Songs: My Perspective

As a first real post, I thought this article might stir things up a bit. And it seems to be still relevent today. I hope it will give you something to think about....

Muslim becomes Christian

This is one amazing article from FoxNews. This man has an incredible testimony of how he came to the Lord, and I hope I never have to sacrifice what he did. Basically he sacrificed everything to follow Christ. And not for financial gain, or glory, or a better life, but...

“Fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature that needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms.” – C.S. Lewis, “Mere Christianity“...

Endurance in Service

This is an article that Anna showed me which I thought was excellent. She pointed out that it is from a mother’s point of view, but is applicable to all Christians. It greatly encouraged me. Perhaps you will get a boost from it also. Are you a “heart Christian”,...