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Tag: Faith

Fighting Condemnation

One of the most difficult and prevalent challenges facing the 21st century Christian is fighting condemnation. Sometimes confused with judgement, condemnation is something that we often do to ourselves, and sometimes cast at others. The former is, in my view, more common. Let me share some Scriptural truth with...

047 – Revival and Reptiles with John the Baptist

So this episode is now a little out of date from a current events perspective, but from a Truth perspective, it is timeless. How can we see revival in our land? What about revival in our own hearts? It always starts with repentance. But can you have snakes show...

045 – Living in Perilous Times

How can we survive dangerous days? I’m not speaking of stockpiles of canned food and plenty of candles, I’m speaking of holding on to our faith during an age of insanity. What should we be on guard about? And what should be our focus? The Lord tells us through...

The Thief on the Cross

Incredible faith in the shadow of death I’ve been thinking about this idea since Easter I was contemplating the thief on the cross. You remember the thief of the cross? When Jesus was on the cross he was between two thieves. One thief mocks him saying, “You know, if...

033 – The Thief on the Cross

The death “bed” conversion – How can the faith of one criminal inspire us today? The thief on the Cross displays incredible faith in the midst of the last moments of his life. How did this happen? How does a convicted death row criminal come to believe so strongly...

Why Do Bad Things Happen?

I have included below, for the benefit of any, a letter I wrote to a friend recently about a very difficult subject. Why do bad things happen? At all. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. (And the guilty too, let’s be honest.)  ;o) Hi John, I hope...

Thoughts from Sunday…on Monday: Boldly through the veil

“To boldly go where no man has gone before!” These lines from the original Star Trek television series speak of exploration and adventure. But “boldly going into dangerous places” was a thought that occurred to me during our service on Sunday. In Hebrews 10:16-22 the writer speaks of the...

A Leader God Honors – Part 3

And the conclusion of a lengthy sermon. Yeah, I don’t think this one qualifies as a “sermonette”. A little too long for that. :o) Application to Men So how do we apply these lessons in our lives today? How does a man living in this day and age put...

A Leader God Honors – Part 2

God wrought a mighty victory through Jonathan and his armor bearer that day. For a young man in his twenties and his armor bearer to kill twenty hardened soldiers by themselves is an amazing feat all by itself. But then the Lord brought a great earthquake and noise, and...

A Leader God Honors – Part 1

King Saul serves as an example of failure in leadership. This is helpful to us because sometimes being a success means knowing what behaviors to avoid....

Defend the Faith

I ran across this article on ICR’s website, and was encouraged. Take special note of the quote from Charles Spurgeon, and the comments from Dr. Morris on the comprimise many Christians make between evolution and creation.

Zeke pictures

Anna has taken a few good pictures of Zeke recently. Here are the ones I get to post. Check her site out for more. Sometimes he will let me cuddle with him. It’s very nice, and I like to put him to sleep that way. (No, I’m not asleep...