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Tag: fathers

Reformation’s First Step

I’ve been thinking a good bit. Not enough, but more than normal I suppose. I had a great time at men’s meeting last night. I got all inspired. Here is a piece of my inspiration:Our country is in sad shape. Our culture, also, is just this side of Gomorrah....

Basketball and a blessing

First, a quick thank you for all the kind birthday wishes. They were enjoyed by us all, and I give an extra special thank you to my hijacking wife for loving me so tenderly and unconditionally. You made it a wonderful birthday darling. I love you! Last night, for...

Recent Happenings

Well, I actually have a lot to say. And for that reason I have avoided posting much lately. It’s like I knew it would take a long time to do this, so I kept putting it off.  OH well…..such is the life of a preacher I guess. Here is...

Jonathan’s Leadership

I will hope to update this post later with more thoughts, but for now, here are the sermon notes from the Father’s Day sermon. I was very excited about this message, and God greatly blessed it. I am so grateful to the Lord for his patience and kindness toward...

Grateful Rememberance

I often post my sermon notes in the hope that it will encourage someone out there. In place of that this week I would like to share with you a very personal note my father wrote to me a couple weeks ago. (With permission.) It encouraged me beyond words,...

Multiple choice

“Yes sir, that’s my ____…”  “Take good care of my…..____.”  “Don’t throw the ____ out with the bath water.”  “Hello my honey, hello my ____.”Jarod and Anna are having a _____.The answer to all of the above is:a. Dog   b. Car    c. Baby    D. Carrot Cake   If you answered...

What is Vision really?

Here are the sermon notes from last Sunday’s sermon:  A Fresh Look at an Old ProverbI spoke about the importance of communicating vision, and the importance of keeping the law for receiving a God-given, righteous vision. I also talked about what a vision really is. That was very interesting...