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Tag: Foundations

064 – The First Sin – Foundations 16

What can we learn from the first sin? Can it give us insight into the way temptation works upon us? Can we see and understand how to recognize it when it comes? Listen as the Preacher Dad explains how Adam and Eve responded to temptation and what we can...

060 – The Subtle Serpent – Foundations 015

From Genesis 3:1-5 – If temptation were like playing “Stratego” or “Risk” against Satan, that Subtle Serpent, what do you think the Devil’s strategy would be? He actually gives it away in the Garden of Eden, and we can learn some powerful lessons by studying the first temptation. The...

053 – A Commandment Observed – Foundations 013

Foundation Series #13 – This episode we go back again to Genesis and look at chapter 2:8-17. We find the second commandment every given to mankind, but we also discover things about the Garden of Eden. We learn that God appreciates beauty, not just functionality. We learn that God...

048 – The Breath of Life – Foundations 012

From Genesis 2:7 we discover that the God of the Universe breathed the “Breath of Life” into the first man, Adam. This is a picture of the work of the Lord today in the lives of men and women everywhere! The Holy Spirit is “breathed” into people and they...

046 – The LORD that Desires Us – Foundations 011

This episode continues our series on the book of Genesis which I have titled “Foundations.” The book of Genesis gives us remarkable insight into the foundations of the the rest of Scripture and the Truths God wants us to understand about Himself. Remember, God wants a relationship with you,...

010 – Foundations 010 – The Holy Day of Rest

To cease from our own labors and trust upon the finished work of Christ, both for our salvation and the continuing work of sanctification, is the message and the heart of resting. And God set aside a special day, at the very beginning of the world, to remind us...

009 – Foundations 009 – The Crown of Creation

Last time spoke of the dominion, or stewardship, we have been given over creation. A position of great honor and trust, as well as being the final creation of God in the Creation week. Mankind is, in a very real sense, the crowning achievement of Creation....

007 – Foundations 007 – Fish, Fowl, and First Blessing

Life begins on day five. The breathing life. The moving creatures. This is a new thing in the world and completely different than the living that the plants do. Hebrew word neh-fesh literally means “to breath.” Why is this significant? We will see that our God in Heaven is...

004 – Foundations 004 – The Creator Revealed

Did you know that the details of the creation on the second day show us how much God wants us to know him? He reveals himself, and wants us to know him, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the atmosphere we have. Things would have been distorted if...

003 – Foundations 003 – God’s First Creation

There is significance to the order in which God chooses to do something or reveal something to us. What he does or says first is significant, and what he says last is also significant. Let us look at the first day of Creation, and the first thing God chose...

002 – Foundations 002 – Chaos is Conquered

The Spirit of God moved (or hovered) over the water and things began to happen. A world is beginning. The light is coming. All because the Spirit of God decided to move....

001 – Foundations 001 – The Starting Line

Foundations Series 1: “The Starting Line” (Gen. 1:1) Intro: In our time we are attacked from all sides. We are surrounded by evil. Our enemies are attacking the very foundations of Truth, and Life, and Meaning. What are we to do? How should we respond to these attacks? Scripture...

I don’t care who you are…

…where you’re from…what your doctrine is…which “god” you follow….YOU NEED TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! hope it comes to a theater near me. I really enjoy Ben Stien’s work, and this one looks like a doozy. Please get out and support this film, and help fight the greatest foundational...